Escaping from Sudan

One feels bad for our fellow and other nationals trapped in war-torn Sudan after watching some video clips on the situation. It is on the news that all nationals that got to the Sudan/Egypt border got easy passage into Egypt but not Nigerians. The majority of our citizens fleeing Sudan are students just like the […]

Escaping from Sudan

One feels bad for our fellow and other nationals trapped in war-torn Sudan after watching some video clips on the situation.

It is on the news that all nationals that got to the Sudan/Egypt border got easy passage into Egypt but not Nigerians. The majority of our citizens fleeing Sudan are students just like the other nationals. Yet the Egyptian authorities are demanding security clearance from the Nigerians before they are allowed passage through. 

What security clearance is needed in a war situation where everything is in chaos and virtually all those whose responsibility it is to give such clearance are busy with the raging war?

The arrangements that our country’s authorities made are for the vehicles to transport the Nigerians directly to where the planes would fly them out back to Nigeria. If there is any iota of doubt as to this arrangement, the Egyptian authorities could provide security to ensure that the arrangement is adhered to strictly.

It was also on the news earlier that the Nigerians who made their way to the Sudan/Ethiopian border were denied entry into Ethiopia. It is appalling that the country that houses the headquarters of the African Union is denying the citizens of member nations escaping from war. 

When the current war in Ukraine broke out and the citizens of the European countries were escaping into neighbouring countries, was this the type of treatment meted out to them? 

Historically, even the Jews exiled from their country by the Babylonians were allowed into Iran not only as a passage similar to what Nigerians are seeking but to live in Iran. Can we Africans not “borrow a leaf from that”? The actions of Ethiopia and Egypt towards Nigerians clearly show that many of our African countries are just paying lip service to the continental unity. With the actions of those two countries (Egypt and Ethiopia) towards our citizens in need, it is high time the so-called African Union was reviewed.


Abbas Liman wrote via [email protected]