‘Ewedu can’t stop coronavirus spreading in the body’

A fact check by our reporters has shown that an edible plant known as Ewedu, bush okra and jute cannot stop coronavirus spreading in the body. “Molokhia leaves help curb reproduction of coronavirus,” claims a screenshot shared on WhatsApp in Nigeria. “Krain krain has flavonoids that aids the absorption of zinc in the body. Zinc […]

‘Ewedu can’t stop coronavirus spreading in the body’

A fact check by our reporters has shown that an edible plant known as Ewedu, bush okra and jute cannot stop coronavirus spreading in the body.

“Molokhia leaves help curb reproduction of coronavirus,” claims a screenshot shared on WhatsApp in Nigeria.

“Krain krain has flavonoids that aids the absorption of zinc in the body. Zinc can enter the virus-infected cells and stops coronavirus from reproducing. Good news. Eat African! Ewedu.”

The screenshot comes from an article on the site Arab Times, published on April 6, 2020. It has been shared on Facebook and Twitter.

The article claims that “molokhia leaves which scientific name (corchorus olitorius) contain flavonoid that helps zinc to enter into the virus-infected cell and prevents the reproduction mechanism of its RNA genetic material to stop the virus from reproducing inside the body.”

Corchorus olitorius is an edible plant found across Africa and Asia, as well as some parts of Europe, North America and Australia. It has many local names, including jute, bush okra, molokhia, ewedu, ahihara, malafiya and krinkrin.

The plant is rich in some vitamins and can help the body absorb the mineral zinc. But does it stop the coronavirus from spreading in the body?

Not scientifically proven

Gabriel Oyeyinka, a Professor of Chemical Pathology and Immunology at University of Ilorin, told Africa Check that the claim had not been medically proven.

Prof. Oyeyinka said, “Zinc is important for improving immune responses along with Vitamins C and D. I would say Ewedu leaves should be consumed if one wants to boost one’s immune system.

“The pathogenesis of COVID-19 is new. There are theories about COVID-19 which have not been scientifically proven.”

But he added that zinc should not be used to treat COVID-19 becacuse, “I don’t believe zinc can stop COVID-19 from replicating itself,” he said.

Unproven remedies put people in danger

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it supports scientifically proven traditional medicine. But that people must be careful of misinformation, especially on social media, that certain remedies can cure COVID-19.

“Many plants and substances are being proposed without the minimum requirements and evidence of quality, safety and efficacy,” the WHO warns.

“The use of products to treat COVID-19 which have not been robustly investigated can put people in danger,” WHO added.

This, the organisation says, can give “a false sense of security” and distract people from “hand washing and physical distancing which are cardinal in COVID-19 prevention”. It “may also increase self-medication and the risk to patient safety”. – Motunrayo Joel

Collaboration between Daily Trust and Africa Check to fight health misinformation.