Expectations of the NBA AGM

The NBA annual general conference is a yearly event that witnesses the largest gathering of lawyers; it is an event that helps foster the bond amongst lawyers and also works to enhance the practice of lawyers in the country. It is an events packed conference starting from Juma’a (Friday) prayer, pre conference NEC, the opening […]

Expectations of the NBA AGM
Expectations of the NBA AGM

The NBA annual general conference is a yearly event that witnesses the largest gathering of lawyers; it is an event that helps foster the bond amongst lawyers and also works to enhance the practice of lawyers in the country. It is an events packed conference starting from Juma’a (Friday) prayer, pre conference NEC, the opening ceremony, breakout sessions peculiar to every lawyer, soccer competition among interested branches and inauguration of the new executive committee under the leadership of A.B Mahmoud, SAN, to the young lawyers party.
Some young wigs would be attending the August gathering for the first time and definitely have different expectations of what the conference would be like: for starters, it would surely be fun. The conference always witnesses a beehive of reunions, as colleagues have an opportunity to meet with old time friends at law school and the university; new friendships and relationships made, new contacts established and so many exchanges of complimentary cards. A young lawyer going to conference without complimentary cards is rookie mistake number one.
As for dress sense, we on the Young Lawyer’s column encourage young lawyers to look crisp, clean and immaculate. The conference is not a place to show your frustration with the law firm you work, no one knows until you say it and most times, they don’t care. Don’t look shabby and unkempt, looking tattered and disorganised would only succeed in scaring away possible networking opportunities. How sure can they be that you can handle the juicy brief when you can’t even handle your outward appearance?
Appearance counts a lot. If a young wig intends to wear native attire at the conference then he or she should endeavour to complete the dressing with a cap or scarf. If you choose to go with a suit then ensure to put on a tie, smart casuals could be encouraged after the sessions when chilling out with colleagues at friendship centres.
Like we always say, even if it is one suit you have, keep it clean and no one would notice that a young wig has only one pair.
The conference also avails the opportunity to shop for books and other law enhancing materials. It is good conference practice to keep little sums of money for the purpose of buying books, one would be surprised the much N5000 can afford. It’s advisable not to spend it all on ‘flexing’. A lawyer is as good as the kind of books he reads; at the conference, so many bookshops from far and wide would have book stands to showcase different books. Go window shopping and make it a habit to pick one for the road before the end of the conference.
A young lawyer at the conference ought to learn new things during this week of enlightenment. Everyone brings to the gathering different legal experiences to share amongst colleagues, thus a young wig could look out for practice skills he is not acquainted with at the gathering – in simple words, a young lawyer’s knowledge of law ought to increase if he or she attends the different sessions and activities scheduled for the week.
The young lawyers’ session is a recommended session for young lawyers where issues that directly affect the younger ones in the legal profession are constructively deliberated upon and possible solutions preferred to improve the practice of a young advocate. While at it, grab a copy of ‘The Young Wig’ a quarterly magazine designed to enrich the practice of young lawyers across the country.
Let’s not shy away from social gathering as the essence of the NBA AGC is social gathering in the first place. Mingle with colleagues and extend your outreach beyond your current comfort zone; the conference is not the place to be an introvert, come out of the shell and have fun while learning at the same time.
On behalf of team Young Lawyer’s column, I wish all conferees a fun filled and enlightening conference. May the Almighty keep our homes safe and take us back safely (Amen).

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