Expelling or destroying the rod of the wicked

God cannot be explained, God can only be experienced. Salvation is not taught or acquired from parents, it is experienced personally. The same goes for miracles.  Revelation and Miracles  The secret of your success is divine revelation. Miracles are not obtained by knowledge or confession, they are obtained by revelation. Knowledge is good preparation for […]

Expelling or destroying the rod of the wicked
Expelling or destroying the rod of the wicked

God cannot be explained, God can only be experienced. Salvation is not taught or acquired from parents, it is experienced personally. The same goes for miracles. 

Revelation and Miracles 

The secret of your success is divine revelation. Miracles are not obtained by knowledge or confession, they are obtained by revelation. Knowledge is good preparation for revelation. So is worship and praying in tongues. Until your understanding is opened to a particular truth, you cannot enjoy the virtue it is meant to deliver. Information is a function of the mind, but revelation is a function of the spirit. Revelation is what God is saying or revealing now concerning a specific situation, it is called rhema.  

Revelation produces faith and faith produces miracles, signs, wonders, healing and breakthrough. I pray that as you receive the word today, you will receive a revelation that will give you a miracle and a breakthrough, in Jesus Name! 

Turn with me to Psalm 125:3, “For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.” 

The rod represents:

1. Natural symbol of Authority. Therefore the rod of the wicked represents the authority of the wicked. It is the staff of office of the wicked. It stands for control. The rod represents ownership. This is a more serious implication.

2. Control. Instrument of control. It is an instrument of limitation used by the devil. Satan uses the rod to keep people within a particular space or direction. Satanic boundaries are meant to prevent expansion. Satan wants to keep you and confine you within the limits he set for your forefathers. That is the reason most people are not better than their ancestors.

3. The rod of the wicked is the rod of punishment, affliction, oppression, manipulation, destruction, plagues, and instigation. This rod is used to exercise authority to inflict unjust treatment. The Israelites were oppressed by the Midianites for several years losing control of their produce and livestock to them when they sinned against God. Judges 6:2-6. God however had mercy on them and delivered them when they repented and cried out to Him for mercy. The rod of the wicked releases unexplainable diseases. 

Even God uses a rod. Psalm 23:4 talks about the rod and staff of God. “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” Shepherds use rods to control, direct, discipline, and protect the flock.  

Why did Moses need a rod? To overthrow the forces of Egypt and establish a new authority. Here is the mystery; the rod of Moses became the rod of God. God handed His rod to a man! So when Moses arrived in Egypt, he was no longer a mere man, he was operating in the God class! This rod, you will recall, swallowed up the rods of the Egyptians when they turned to snakes. 

Before Moses returned to Egypt, Pharaoh and his taskmasters were in control. They ruled the children of Israel with harshness. They treated the people with cruelty. They were oppressive and brutal. They stripped them of every shred of dignity and respect. They left them poor and deprived. God sent Moses to come and put an end to their afflictions.  

Your lot represents your portion, your territory, your fortunes and your finances. It also represents your destiny. Many people have complained to me that they are stuck. If you are not making progress, demonic powers may be at work. Your lot could also mean your family. Domestic violence is a sign of the presence of a wicked authority. The devil has taken over some families completely with sickness, poverty, quarrels, rebellious children, and all sorts of dysfunction. It stands for your body or physical health. Sickness is a rod of the wicked. It must be removed! 

Where the rod of the wicked is there is pain, there is hardship, there is lack, insufficiency, sickness, and all sorts of demonic affliction. 

God sent His Son Jesus to come and destroy the rod of the wicked and terminate the oppression of the enemy. 

Do not subscribe to the the control and limitations of your ancestors through ancestral festivals, rituals and sinful cultural practices. 

Let’s return to this scripture. Psalm 125:3, “For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.”

“…shall not rest…” means it is programmed to expire. That means poverty, will not take residence in your life or or your house. You see, Satan does not come for a temporary stay, he comes to stay permanently. But he is limited by divine ordinance. Satan’s tenure in your life has expired! Satan’s tenure and control over your destiny, finances, health, marriage, etc has expired, in the Name of Jesus! 

What to do about the rod

1. Receive the rod of God. Be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8.  It takes the anointing to destroy the yoke of the enemy. Isaiah 10:27. Your authority must derive from the Word of God and the indwelling Spirit. Understand your authority in Christ. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you have the anointing, use it! 

2. Break the rod of the wicked! Isaiah 14:5, “The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.” You break the staff of the wicked. You don’t just remove it, you break it, you destroy it! “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12. You forcefully terminate the rule, the control, the oppression of the enemy. Look at Moses, he did not come to beg Pharaoh to release the children of Israel, he dealt ruthlessly with Egypt until they hastily released their captives. Confront your problems, challenge your limitations, push boundaries using the Name of Jesus. Plead the Blood of Jesus over you and all that you have. Speak the Word of God!

3. Expel and destroy the wicked powers that are oppressing you. Many Egyptians died in the plagues, their firstborns died, then their military drowned in the Red sea. You have prayed long enough, it’s time to fight! Not with physical weapons but with spiritual weapons.  

God sent His Son Jesus to terminate and overthrow the government of the devil over your life. He came to put an end to the oppression of the wicked.

Hebrews 2:14, “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.” The death of Jesus was a divine strategy for destroying the devil. Jesus did not just destroy the works of the devil, He destroyed him! 

I struggled for many years even as a christian until I learnt how to break the staff of the wicked. Life changed. Your life will change today! Even the lawful captives shall be delivered! 

So, it’s time to remove every limit. It’s time to remove ancient barriers. It’s time to remove ancient boundaries. 

It’s time to end the oppression of the devil. 

It’s time to forcefully remove the hand of the wicked from your property, your home, your body and destiny. It’s time to take control! 

I command every rod of the enemy in your life to be destroyed. Affliction and plague will seize from your life. Your destiny shall be fulfilled; You will prevail wherever you go in Jesus Name, amen!

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.