Facing cancer, that most vile terrorist

It is a terminal disease which spreads around the body when not quickly detected and properly controlled. Due to its severity, it could lead to death. This anomaly of cells affects both men and women but it is more pronounced among women. Cancer in women mostly affects the female reproductive system. These forms of cancer […]

Facing cancer, that most vile terrorist
Facing cancer, that most vile terrorist

It is a terminal disease which spreads around the body when not quickly detected and properly controlled. Due to its severity, it could lead to death. This anomaly of cells affects both men and women but it is more pronounced among women.
Cancer in women mostly affects the female reproductive system. These forms of cancer include breast cancer, ovariansis that is the cancer affecting the ovaries, urinary cancer and cervical cancer. Other forms of cancer which affect both male and female, bone marrow camcer, leukemia and skin cancer. These various cancers are sometimes hereditary while others are as a result to exposure to smoke, the sun, and some preservatives in canned food.
According to a research conducted by World Health Organization, cancer was more common among older women of 65 years. However, a recent study conducted by the same organization, shows a new development. Many young men and women have been diagnosed with various forms of cancer in recent years and very few of them live to tell the story of their ordeal.
Non-Governmental Organizations should work together to raise awareness, counseling and facilities for detection and treatment at affordable prices to reduce the terror that this disease poses to the society. A medicine which is abandoned by much people in Nigeria is the Moringa plant which helps a lot in cancer treatment because it has a lot of nutritional value. The Moringa plant can therefore be taken as nutritional supplement of its high nutritional contents used together with cotton leaves which is another medicine for cancer most especially leukemia and bone marrow cancer.
The disease could be treated if and when the tumor is detected and treated immediately to get rid of it before it spreads. Bone marrow cancer and leukemia are very expensive to treat. Cancer is a great threat to men, women and our generation at large and should be taken more seriously. Although there are many forms of treatment available at a very high cost, they do not guarantee a cure. Early detection is the first and the best way to get rid of cancer.
Gambo wrote in from Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri