Family demands removal of telecom antenna

The family of the late Bitrus Netse in Kyayya village of Jama’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State has accused a telecoms service provider, Globacom Limited of trespassing its ancestral land and demanded removal of the company’s antenna mounted on its land. Head of Netse family, Enoch Bitrus who wrote the zonal manager of Globacom […]

Family demands removal of telecom antenna
Family demands removal of telecom antenna

The family of the late Bitrus Netse in Kyayya village of Jama’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State has accused a telecoms service provider, Globacom Limited of trespassing its ancestral land and demanded removal of the company’s antenna mounted on its land.

Head of Netse family, Enoch Bitrus who wrote the zonal manager of Globacom on September 21, 2015 stated that antenna No. KJR 004 located on their family land is without the consent of the family.

Enoch Bitrus alleged that the antenna was fraudulently erected on his family land with the connivance of Dr. David Dangiwa without the family consent.

He said the family had in a meeting with the District Head of Kpadam, Globacom and the Netse family head – the late Bitrus Netse, drew the company’s attention to the unwanted transaction with Dangiwa and asked Globacom to desist from it but Globacom never heeded the advice.

According to him, the transaction leading to the erection of the antenna was concluded at Globacom office in Kadua with Dangiwa who brought N250,000 to his father, the late Bitrus Netse, adding that the late Netse gave Dangiwa N50,000 out of the money in appreciation.

Enoch said after confirming from his late father that Dangiwa brought the money on the basis that “something good has come to his land” without giving details, he made efforts to get him to disclose the transaction to him but he refused.

He said after receiving the complaint letter, Globacom Kaduna office promised to call him with a view to resolve the issue but the call never came till date.

Enoch pointed out that Dangiwa is not a member of their family and had no instruction at that time to act on behalf of the family hence they are demanding that Globacom take steps to dismantle the antenna and relocate same out of their place.

When contacted, Globacom Kaduna Office declined to speak saying it is only the legal department in Lagos that could respond.

But a source who preferred anonymity confirmed the matter, saying the case is like a family matter and that it is between Netse family and Dangiwa rather than between Globacom and Netse family.

The source said before Bitrus Netse died, he picked Dangiwa whom he felt was better educated than the other family members in the negotiation between Globacom and the family as Globacom sought to mount its antenna on the family land. 

But after the death of Netse, some of the family members, particularly Enoch, felt sidelined, thinking that Dangiwa had either cheated them in the negotiation or did not represent them as he should.

All the papers of the agreement are there, the source noted, stressing that instead of tackling Dangiwa, Enoch preferred to take the matter up with Globacom and that their concern is not about the antenna but the derivable benefits from mounting the antenna there.

“The matter is very simple. The best thing to do is for the family members to come together and agree on the person that will be representing them. Thereafter, they will involve their lawyer and seal the agreement and notify Globacom of their decision. Once that is done, Globacom will have no choice but deal with the person the family presents,” the source added.  

Already, solicitor to the Netse family, Mr Gabriel Tsenyen of Homsem Chambers has written Globacom, demanding that it dismantles its antenna on the family land.

Dangiwa who spoke with our reporter on phone yesterday said ignorance is what is fuelling the disagreement. He was optimistic that Globacom will call everybody to a meeting and the matter will be resolved.