Family headship: What husbands say wives do

Some see it as the battle of the sexes as they say women have decided to be what they are today because they can do whatever a man can do. “They have a right in their own way but then there is a limit to what a man can do for his wife, I will […]

Family headship: What husbands say wives do
Family headship: What husbands say wives do

Some see it as the battle of the sexes as they say women have decided to be what they are today because they can do whatever a man can do. “They have a right in their own way but then there is a limit to what a man can do for his wife, I will not go out of my way to satisfy her and end up in jail, because sincerely speaking if you are to follow every word that a woman says you will find out that you will end up roping yourself and at the end she will not be there for you, instead she will pick up her baggage and if she has conscience take her kids along leaving you to your fate,” said Chika Ogechukwu.

Many women seem to have made it a point that even if they work the men still take responsibility for everything and not even a dime of hers goes into the upkeep of the home as Musa Shehu explains in disgust and amazement “there is nothing that I was doing then that I am not doing now. She does not use her money for anything in the home, even if she does she must make sure that I pay back as if she is not benefitting from that herself. Even the work she goes to it I still make it a point of duty to give her transport money and when I fail in one thing, the whole world will get to know. Generally speaking women are just too difficult to live with. They fail to realize that not every condition is permanent and we are never perfect beings; we are bound to make mistakes but in their own case there is nothing like being imperfect when it comes to satisfying their every beck and call.”

Some have said that the attitude of the women have forced them to re-track in their steps and adjust so that they are not caught unawares. “Most things we do is as a result of what we get as treatment from wives, some are too stubborn that to the extent that if they want to punish you they do it by denying you sex and still want you to answer to their whims and demand, which is totally impossible. As for the children, what I have I will do for them, I will not let them suffer at the expense of their mother. As she is working she should be able to clothe and do some little things for herself then I focus on the children’s fees and feeding of the home, any other thing she should be able to do, if not she should leave the work and come back home and do the right thing of being a mother and a wife, that to me is more than anything in this world,” said Tony Akette.

 This battle (battle of the sexes) is one that will continue to go for some time as husbands and wives continue to trade blame amongst themselves. In marriage is conflicts are certain, it only works but with the co-partner. Helping one another is what will make the marriage a successful and happy one.