Fate worse than death

How can any unbiased observer in Nigeria, who knows the utterances of Buhari before he got into power and now, see the lackadaisical approach of the same Buhari in power tell Nigerians they have no moral right to express their disappointment with how things are going out of hand? During the PDP regime, had Buhari […]

Fate worse than death

How can any unbiased observer in Nigeria, who knows the utterances of Buhari before he got into power and now, see the lackadaisical approach of the same Buhari in power tell Nigerians they have no moral right to express their disappointment with how things are going out of hand?

During the PDP regime, had Buhari and his diehard supporters, including myself, attributed the perceived difficulty to the will of the Almighty or to the poor leadership of the PDP? If truth is to be told, we all must confess we attributed it all to the PDP. Why should we now attribute every difficulty to the Almighty while attributing any success to Buhari?

We suspected Goodluck Jonathan about, and even being a mastermind of the Boko Haram when Borno State, Adamawa and Yobe were the epicentre of the terrorists, but now, while the Boko Haram is still continuing in the northeastern states, armed banditry is pervasive and herders-farmers clash claims the lives  of innocent people in the northwestern states.

These things, despite becoming unbecoming, some conspiracy theorists want  Nigerians to keep suppressing their disappointment. Because the president is ours?

Even on the corruption that the president claims to have been fighting, we all must have been shocked by his top government officials accused of indulging in money laundering. Recently, the person hunting the looters of public funds for a good five year was also hunted for the same crime. This means all the years of fight were wasted.

I don’t mean that we give up; “when there is life, there is hope”. The president still has three years ahead and Nigerians  want to see him working with renewed vigour. We are still optimistic.

Maijama’a, Faculty of Communication, BUK

[email protected]