Father tortures son for biting step mother

A man, Lukuman Audu of Kureken Sani village in Kano metropolis is being accused of torturing his four-year-old biological son for alleged biting the father’s bride. A magistrate court in Mariri heard that the father tied his son on a ceiling hook and burnt his buttocks and other parts of his body with matches and […]

Father tortures son for biting step mother

A man, Lukuman Audu of Kureken Sani village in Kano metropolis is being accused of torturing his four-year-old biological son for alleged biting the father’s bride.

A magistrate court in Mariri heard that the father tied his son on a ceiling hook and burnt his buttocks and other parts of his body with matches and hot water then left him dangling overnight.

The prosecuting police officer said the Ward Head of the village, Malam Najib Ibrahim reported the matter to the police alleging that the Audu was punishing the boy for biting his bride.

The accused denied the charge but admitted that he had punished his son for other offences.

The presiding magistrate, Rabi Abdulkadir referred the case back to the police for further investigation and to determine the role of the bride in instigating the accused to torture his son.