Fed Govt to revive Gembu Airstrip

It will also ease movement of engineers and other workers that would handle the construction of Mambilla

Fed Govt to revive Gembu Airstrip

The team of Engineers inspecting the abandoned Gembu airstrip

The federal government has sent in a team of aviation experts to inspect the Gembu Airstrip as part of its plan to revive the facility, which has been abandoned for the past 10 years.

The team comprised technical experts from Air Space  Management Agency, Federal Airport Authority, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority and Nigerian Metrological Agency.

The team, led by Engineer  Abba Shuaibu, inspected the airport at Gembu, the headquarters of Sardauna Local Government Area of Taraba State.

The airstrip, which started operation in the mid-1980, when revived will ease transportation problem into the area known as tourism destination.

It will also ease movement of engineers and other workers that would handle the construction of Mambilla hydro power project.

The work to be carried out by the federal government at the abandoned airstrip  will include reconstruction, expansion and provision of vital facilities for landing and take-off.

The Chairman of Air Mambilla, Ibrahim Mamoud, told North East Trust during the inspection that the airstrip is very strategic and important as it will ease movement of people into the area.

He said the airstrip will, apart from serving construction workers for the multi-billion dollar Mambilla hydro power project, also boast tourism potential of the Mambilla Plateau.

He said Gembu town, where the airstrip is located, is very close to the Gashaka Gumti National park which attracts tourists from within and outside the country.

Ibrahim Mahmoud said the airline would resume flights once the rehabilitation is completed.

He commended the federal government for its plan to reconstruct and expand the airstrip.