Female trafficker nabbed in Kwara transporting 4 underage girls for sex trade

The Kwara State Command of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) have rescued four under-aged girls who were being trafficked from Port Harcourt to Ilorin to be used as sex slaves. The NSCDC, in a statement by its Commandant, Makinde Iskil Ayinla, said a concerned citizen alerted the outfit over the issue. Brand […]

Female trafficker nabbed in Kwara transporting 4 underage girls for sex trade

The Kwara State Command of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) have rescued four under-aged girls who were being trafficked from Port Harcourt to Ilorin to be used as sex slaves.

The NSCDC, in a statement by its Commandant, Makinde Iskil Ayinla, said a concerned citizen alerted the outfit over the issue.

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“It was a suspected case of human trafficking involving four under-aged girls (names withheld) with ages ranging from 15 to 16, who were brought to Ilorin from Port Harcourt  for the purpose of using them as sex slaves or prostitutes. They were rounded up at the point of entry,” the commandant disclosed.

He explained further that one Gift Rita, 37, who was suspected to be the trafficker had been arrested, adding that the four victims and the suspects have been handed over to the operatives of NAPTIP in Kwara for further action.

The State Commander of NAPTIP, Saadu Mustapha, promised that the Agency would rehabilitate the victims and reunite them with their family.