Feminists or retaliators?

We don’t need oppositors, we don’t need regressors, we don’t need repressors and retaliators, we don’t need dominators all we ask for is equity, transformation, tenacity and tremendous change to our world. Let’s create a world where conjugation exists and not subjugation. Feminism has been taken to views by different people and has brought about […]

Feminists or retaliators?
Feminists or retaliators?

We don’t need oppositors, we don’t need regressors, we don’t need repressors and retaliators, we don’t need dominators all we ask for is equity, transformation, tenacity and tremendous change to our world. Let’s create a world where conjugation exists and not subjugation.

Feminism has been taken to views by different people and has brought about different responses depending on people with different backgrounds, race and culture. While the major basic feminist theory is women suffrage, subjugation, gender inequality etc. Feminism in the 21st century has a divergent method and theory as compared to the 19th and 20th century ideology of feminism. Feminism was an exercise to educate and support, and enlighten women on their basic rights, but as it is now the same route of superimposed domination of the men is what it turns out the feminists of this century wants the females to do. 

For instance, a lady who chose feminist theory is about leaving the man to do the house chores while she remains at work or having her man come back from work to take care of the house. As a feminist your idea should be getting good insights on to how you and your spouse stay equal in the house and not intent on you dominating your husband when you don’t want to be dominated. 

We (women) need to know the real meaning of feminism and not impose our own meaning of feminism and still call ourselves feminists. We need to learn from the past suffragettes like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Rose Scott, Angela Davis, Bell Hooks and many more firm feminism activists. We really need to let our young women and children know that feminism is way more than women trying to control their men.

Odoh Maria wrote via [email protected]