FG issues five new environmental regulations

The regulations presented during NESREA fourth annual Regulatory Dialogue has the aim of addressing some of the environmental flaws in the country that are not addressed by any existing laws.The regulations to be known as National Environmental Regulations 2013 covers areas such as Air Quality Control; Control of Charcoal Production and Export; Dams and Reservoirs; […]

FG issues five new environmental regulations
FG issues five new environmental regulations

The regulations presented during NESREA fourth annual Regulatory Dialogue has the aim of addressing some of the environmental flaws in the country that are not addressed by any existing laws.
The regulations to be known as National Environmental Regulations 2013 covers areas such as Air Quality Control; Control of Charcoal Production and Export; Dams and Reservoirs; Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides; as well as Energy and Efficiency.
Speaking at the presentation, the Supervising Minister of Environment, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku said the draft regulations could not have come at a better time.
He noted that the involvement of all environmental key stakeholders at the federal and State levels in promoting an inclusive compliance and enforcement programme would ensure that the regulations would be acceptable to all parties.
While commending NESREA for initiating the annual dialogue, he reminded participants that the environment was a source of raw materials and energy but has been falling under threat by the disregard of environmental laws and regulations
Ishaku urged the participants to look at the draft regulations objectively and make an input to improve the content. “Care for the environment is a moral obligation; an ethical belief that we should protect those things that we all share, the air, the water and the land,” he added.
He also urged NESREA to ensure that there is strict compliance to the laws and to also put mechanisms in place to monitor the degree of compliance as Environmental Laws represent body of rules that guild the proper use of resources for the good of the society.
The Director General of  NESREA, Dr (Mrs.) Ngeri S. Benebo while welcoming participants said the Agency was posed to enforcing all environmental laws, guidelines, standard and regulations in compliance with International Agreement, protocols, convention and treaties on the environment to which Nigeria is a signatory.
The expectation of this year Dialogue according to Benebo was to enhance understanding between Federal and State Regulatory Agencies and increase partnerships for compliance monitoring and enforcement of environmental laws.