FG, please rehabilitate Bauchi-Gombe road

In addition, most of the cities, towns and villages that are accessible have dilapidated roads. It is very difficult and sometimes dangerous to ply them.

FG, please rehabilitate Bauchi-Gombe road
FG, please rehabilitate Bauchi-Gombe road

The importance of road infrastructure to the movement of people, goods and services cannot be overemphasised. Roads open up locked places thereby causing unprecedented increase in human activities. And that is why a government that is committed to the socio-economic growth of its people makes it a matter of priority to provide them with road infrastructure.

Nigeria in general has roads infrastructure deficit as one of its topmost problems. And this is one of the problems that must be addressed if we are to witness rise in economic growth. Currently, there are villages and towns that are not accessible in spite of the strategic agro-economic position they hold.

In addition, most of the cities, towns and villages that are accessible have dilapidated roads. It is very difficult and sometimes dangerous to ply them.

One of such roads which urgently needs attention is the Bauchi-Gombe road. In spite of its strategic role of linking the rest of Nigeria with Gombe, Adamawa and Taraba states as well as some parts of Borno and Yobe states, the road is in a dilapidated condition. Even though the Federal Ministry of Works and the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) are working on the road, they are yet to genuinely address the problem.

In the Kangere axis of the Bauchi-Gombe road, for instance, the Federal Ministry of Works is trying to replace the top asphalt layer with a new one. It will be an exercise in futility as the road will become dilapidated sooner than later with the bad base and sub-base it has. And on the Nabishin-Kangere axis of the same road, where a layer of the asphalt was added on an existing one, it has already begun to wear out to confirm that the problem was not genuinely addressed.

Therefore, both the Federal Ministry of Works and the FERMA should engage sincere and committed professionals as they rehabilitate the Bauchi-Gombe road.


Muhktar Jarmajo wrote from Aminu Kano Crescent, Abuja.