FG: Why we rebranded ministry of science

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ogbonnaya Onu, says the ministry was rebranded to meet up with contemporary…

FG: Why we rebranded ministry of science

The Minister of Science and Technology and leader of the South-East zonal caucus of the APC, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ogbonnaya Onu, says the ministry was rebranded to meet up with contemporary and future technological demands.

Onu said this at a press conference on the unveiling of the ministry’s new logo in Abuja at the weekend.

He said the government was positioning technology to  positively influence sectors such as education, agriculture, and contribute to infrastructure development and the fight against corruption. 

He said technology would also help balance gender equality and improve the security situation in the country.

Onu said Nigeria must plan to have a diversified, knowledge-based and sustainable economy to enable it maintain regional, continental and global influence.

He said more efforts at innovation and reverse engineering were on to ensure development of “Capital Goods Market” in the country.

Earlier, the Minister of state for Science, Technology and Innovation, Mohammed Abdullahi, said the rebranding of the ministry would enable it to  focus more on current technological trends such as Nano-technology, smart space technology, bio-tech and diverse new technological trends.

He said it would also fast track the developmental agenda of the Buhari-led administration. 

The permanent secretary of the ministry, Edet Sunday Akpan, said the repositioning of the ministry would be a spring board for Nigeria’s industrial growth.