FIACIJ opens platform to fight corruption in NBA

The National Convener for Fight Against Corruption in the Judiciary (FIACIJ), Bayo Akinlade has set up a platform to address issues of corruption within the NBA. In introducing the platform, the national convener said that “the purpose of the group is to encourage and promote transparency within the NBA leadership structure, to speak against corruption […]

FIACIJ opens platform to fight corruption in NBA

The National Convener for Fight Against Corruption in the Judiciary (FIACIJ), Bayo Akinlade has set up a platform to address issues of corruption within the NBA.

In introducing the platform, the national convener said that “the purpose of the group is to encourage and promote transparency within the NBA leadership structure, to speak against corruption within the NBA and to encourage the NBA leadership both national and in branches to stand against corrupt practices within the NBA.”

The platform will also observe and monitor all elections and other activities within the NBA for the purpose of restoring people’s confidence in NBA.

In his message to the newly sworn-in president of NBA Paul Usoro (SAN), Akinlade said that the platform was in response to criticisms concerning the conduct of NBA elections both at the local and national levels. He also noted that due to the allegations of corruption within the NBA in general, the platform had become necessary to restore members’ confidence in the association.

While assuring the NBA president of his support in reforming the NBA, Akinlade urged the NBA president to be transparent in the appointment of National Executive Committee (NEC) and members into various NBA committees and positions in government.

“It is our wish to see that the process of appointments be made transparent. It is also our hope that those whom you appoint will reflect not only your promise to transform the NBA but would also be done by merit,” Akinlade said.

In restating his commitment to the values of NBA, Akinlade said to the president: “Be assured of my continued support for a better legal profession and my devotion to the aims and objectives of our association.

He noted that “to walk and work closely with the leadership of NBA nationwide in promoting transparency in terms of management of resources, appointment of co-opted NEC members and importantly in the preparations for the 2020 branch and national elections.”

He also said the FIACIJ will critic and suggest reforms in the activities of NBA with respect to national and state appointments of our members to statutory bodies such as the NJC, Body of Benchers etc.

On the appointment of judges and magistrates, Akinlade said that the group will monitor closely the activities of the NJC and the FJSC in the appointments of judges and magistrates across the nation.