Fifteen years after Abacha

Today June 8th is exactly fifteen years since the demise of former Head of State Gen Sani Abacha. Born in Kano, in northern Nigeria (1943-1998), Abacha became the military ruler of Nigeria in 1993.Abacha’s blueprint for security and progress, peaceful co-existence, and national development cannot be faulted. Well, I am not going to say much […]

Fifteen years after Abacha
Fifteen years after Abacha

Today June 8th is exactly fifteen years since the demise of former Head of State Gen Sani Abacha. Born in Kano, in northern Nigeria (1943-1998), Abacha became the military ruler of Nigeria in 1993.
Abacha’s blueprint for security and progress, peaceful co-existence, and national development cannot be faulted. Well, I am not going to say much about Abacha, but his  greatest contribution to Nigeria and Nigerians, is when the June 12 election was cancelled. He, Abacha rescued this country Nigeria from collapsing, abyss of disintegration of civil war  or dissection and it would have been something else (disastrous). This effort can never be quantified to many things done by fourteen wasted years of PDP led government that rule after him under democratic dispensation. Look at vision 2010, Railway rehabilitation etc.

 Truly it is on record that over three hundred (300) roads were actually maintained and constructed across the country, school, libraries , hostel blocks were built; In short, if you visit Nigerian universities today you will find P.T.F books, P.T.F vehicles. Health sector was not left behind; you will see P.T.F drugs everywhere in Nigeria. Erosion control was one of his priorities, which for now it is a great threat in Nigeria especially in the northern part of the country. So, Abacha deserves appraisal in all works of life. His government was more, honest, transparent accountable, committed, admirable, and appreciable than the so called civilian governments. “Allah Yaji Kan Maza” (literally means May God have mercy on the falling heroes”)
George Eliot once said: “The golden moment in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the Angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone”
In leadership of 23 June, 2008 Senator owie also said “I tell you, each day I go to Church I take one decade of the Rosory  for Abacha. Since 1999 when I got to the Senate, I use to hang Abacha’s photograph on wall (top) while Obasanjo was on the ground in my office” Mr. Dr Joy Okei O.  Was a Chairman campaign for democracy has also stated in Sunday Vanguard and leadership 14 June, 2008 that “ Abacha have good and better intensions than his enemies”
   May God guide our leaders aright and bless Nigeria as a whole as for Abacha he should be commemorate by at least releasing his C.S.O Major Al-Mustapha, who has been in detention for over fourteen years now. I will also use this avenue to appeal to President Goodluck to please visit the issue of Al-Mustapha, let justice be done. Sir, the issue of Al-Mustapha is long overdue. Something should be now. Sir, “justice delayed is justice denied”.  Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. It is better to have war for justice than peace in Injustice. I pray that God will give you the ability to do the right thing, at the right time and for the right purpose and lead Nigeria to glory. May the gentle soul of Abacha rest in perfect peace.  Amen.
Adamu Muhd Usman Kafin-Hausa, Jigawa State [email protected]