Financial miracles (II)

(Continued from last week)  1Kings 17:7-15. Last week we saw the case of dramatic financial intervention that saved a prophet and a family from being wiped out by lack and starvation. When you are faced with this kind of situation, you have no time to do business; God just has to provide. God will step […]

Financial miracles (II)
Financial miracles (II)

(Continued from last week) 

1Kings 17:7-15.

Last week we saw the case of dramatic financial intervention that saved a prophet and a family from being wiped out by lack and starvation. When you are faced with this kind of situation, you have no time to do business; God just has to provide. God will step into your situation and deliver you, in Jesus Name!

We also looked at the four things God does to help us with our finances. 

The following things happen when there is divine financial intervention:

1. You receive financial help which is not earned. Not long ago, a brother applied for a bank loan because he had a pressing need that must be settled within the next one week. During the Mid-Week Service, as I was ministering, I declared that we will lend to many nations and will not borrow. He claimed it by faith and after Service, told his wife about my declaration. He also decided that he will not take that loan anymore. The challenge he needed to address had a deadline of Friday but by Thursday, God miraculously provided the exact amount of money he needed through a source he did not expect. Our God is a great Provider! He supplied the need of Elijah in brook Cherith, He fed the nation of Israel for 40 years through in the wilderness, He multiplied fish and bread to feed thousands. You will have a miracle supply very shortly, in the Name of Jesus! Receive it now, in Jesus Name!!

2. Debts are paid. He intervened to pay the bill of a woman whose husband left a mountain of debt. A sister joined the church and started participating in the different avenues of sowing seeds. She started sowing favour seeds and God began granting her favours. Her rent was long overdue but didn’t know how she was going to pay.  She went out one day and met a woman who walked up to her and said that God asked her to come and pay her house rent. She never knew this woman before! God honoured His word and favored her. God will intervene to pay your bills in Jesus Name!

3. You receive ideas for a steady stream of income. A sister received an idea for a business following my teachings. Before then, life was hard and taking care of her children was very difficult. She started one line of business and very quickly added a second. Today, she wears a big smile; her hope has returned and she sleeps well knowing she is able to pay her bills and take care of her bills. She’s not the only one. There are many others. One brother in this church is involved in a very huge venture. Psalm 113:7-8, “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; [8] That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.” From today, you are coming out of poverty! God is lifting you out of the mess and shame of poverty! He will give you streams of income and make sure you never lack again!  

Do you need a financial miracle to bridge the gap in your life? 

1. You will need to pray in faith. 

2. Sow a seed. The widow woman in Zarephath gave her last meal to the prophet. 

A brother sowed a seed of faith for his unborn child shortly after his wedding. Not long after that as I was ministering, I called him and asked him what sex of baby he wanted to have as first child and he said he wanted a boy. I declared that he will have a male child first as he desired. It came to pass! Your seed will bring an immediate turnaround, in Jesus Name! 

Pray the following prayers: (1) Thank You Father for all Your benefits in my life and in the lives of all my loved ones. (2) Hidden satanic barriers standing between me and my breakthrough, collapse after the order of the walls of Jericho now in the Name of Jesus. (3) Every power not allowing me to enjoy the fruit of my labour, be paralysed and destroyed now, is the Name of Jesus. (4) I command all my buried potentials for prosperity to be exhumed now in Jesus Name. (5) Every demonic attacker of my finances, be roasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name. (6) By the blood of Jesus, every seed and mentality of poverty in my soul, be uprooted and permanently erased in the Name of Jesus. (7) Every power working after the order of the Prince of Persia to highjack my blessings, be arrested and jailed in the abyss, in Jesus Name. (8) Every curse of financial failure from household enemies, you will not succeed in my life; backfire in Jesus Name. (9) Every curse that has been issued against my finances and the labour of my hands by forces in my background and neighbourhood, be reversed now, in the Name of Jesus. (10) You strongman of financial failure, I take authority over you; I bind and cast you out my life, out of my family and out of destiny, in Jesus Name. (11) I command the curse of debt in my life and business to be nullified now in Jesus Name. (12) Every evil habit that has placed me in the wilderness of poverty and lack, I give you up; break, break, break in the Name of Jesus. (13) O God of the breakthrough, visit my house with extraordinary and amazing breakthroughs, in the Name of Jesus. (14) Dear Father, bless me with that idea that will establish me financially and bring money into my hands continually, in the Name of Jesus. (15) Dear heavenly Father, make me a channel of blessing to the Church and to my generation, in the Name of Jesus. (16) Dear Lord, connect me with my divine helpers, in the Name of Jesus! (17) Thank You Lord for answered prayers. 

I decree an immediate turn around in your finances now, in the Name of Jesus. Receive your financial miracle now, in Jesus Name!!

God will give you all the help you need, in Jesus Name! 

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.