Finding solutions to problems not easy…but possible

A life without hurdles is seen to be a lifeless one but then there are problems that might come our way and you think this is the end of it because there is no way out. Most times, when we are faced with problems or difficulties we tend to give up on everything but then […]

Finding solutions to problems not easy…but possible
Finding solutions to problems not easy…but possible

A life without hurdles is seen to be a lifeless one but then there are problems that might come our way and you think this is the end of it because there is no way out. Most times, when we are faced with problems or difficulties we tend to give up on everything but then problems must definitely come. If they do not, how do we learn from our mistakes? Life is not a bed of roses; life is a process where we keep learning. Difficulties are seen as challenges for the brave and strong but seen as a problem by the weak. Every problem has a solution if you want it solved.

There are solutions to every problem all we need to do is to search and if we do not find any, the problem will definitely provide a solution in one way or the other. It is said that identifying a problem is a good as solving it half way. Some of us allow the problems we find ourselves in to weigh us down forgetting that of every problem born there is solution that comes along with it. When people are being able to solve their problems effectively it is not because of their intelligence or because they are more knowledgeable but because they have been able to identify the problem and spot a potential solution to the problem. Sometimes it is not the solution but the clue that leads to you to the actual solution. “Instead of solving problems they way you believe it is better you are open to alternative solutions. Though the solution might not be appropriate or the best for the problem but at least you might be making a head way” says Mr. Patrick Anthony.

“Most solutions to problems lie where the problems are. Most times we feel over burdened when obstacles come our way and they seem insurmountable, but the truth is that we always face problems in our lives when we give room and chance for the problem. When we stop seeing life as a being a problem then solutions becomes unnecessary.  Even if there really is a problem it is not for ever for every problem has an expiry date no matter what,” says Franca Obi. On the other hand some people see problems as being a step to better oppurtunities. “Problems are good because without problems there is no way one can grow in life. Problems are bound to happen posing as challenges but with the zeal and commitment you can overcome such challenges likewise finding   solution to such problems. And to also get a good solution one has to look at the whole thing form a different perspective and you will see that the solution just comes along with the problem” says Abdul Adekunle.

There are many of us out there that feel that the whole world has come crumbling on us because of the gravity of the problem we are facing. Though totally not ignoring the fact that there are overwhelming pressure that come with such situations as the situation seems hopeless and unconquerable but then the solution might just be staring you in the face if only look closely and think wisely. There is no problem in the world without a solution, though it might take time and requires a lot of patience but then nothing is impossible as all hope is never lost.