
The dictionary defines finesse to mean the property of having grace, elegance, skill or balance in handling a situation. Finesse in legal practice, simply put, is the art of solving legal matters with skill, elegance and precision, not in a haggard and fire brigade manner. Paying attention to details is one fundamental attribute a young […]


The dictionary defines finesse to mean the property of having grace, elegance, skill or balance in handling a situation. Finesse in legal practice, simply put, is the art of solving legal matters with skill, elegance and precision, not in a haggard and fire brigade manner.
Paying attention to details is one fundamental attribute a young lawyer should have. Take for instance in pleadings, instead of the office secretary typing ‘I do not admit the liability as claimed’ she erroneously types ‘I admit the liability as claimed’ and the young lawyer vetting didn’t notice such mistake. The legal implication of such erroneous averments need no further explanation.
“…I have ignored some typing errors both in the amended notice of appeal and in the issues for determination such as typing, “having” as “haven”. It need not be over-emphasised that learned counsel who files or cause the filing of court process in an appellate court and especially in this court, should please vet and ought to vet, those processes before they are filed…” Per OGBUAGU, J.S.C in SULE v STATE (2009) 17 N.W.L.R {part 1169}
Finesse as discussed above and its relevance to the practice of a young wig is not restricted to advocacy or litigation {i.e filing of court process}, it cuts across several areas of legal practice; from the dress sense of a young wig {as simple as a pocket handkerchief might look, it can add elegance to the dressing of a young wig}, manner of communication with clients and colleagues alike, the way and manner a young wig arranges his office desk, books and files etcetera speak more about the personality behind the desk.
Many young advocates in the Nigerian legal system have paid much attention on going to court that they have lost sight of other qualities to be possessed by a lawyer that can even speak better than vocal attributes in court. Nothing is wrong with going to court every day, as a matter of fact, it boosts confidence and advocacy, but the point is, don’t pay too much attention to one aspect at the detriment of others. Lawyering {if there is a word like that in the legal parlance} is the complete package of appearance, knowledge of the law and practice of it with exquisite skill.
This writer admits the fact that there are some of us in legal practice who really don’t pay attention to packaging as such and are quite satisfied with the clients they have. Members of this school of thought would say “it is the name that matters not manner of approach”, ”the end justifies the means” et al. While I agree that this school of thought is entitled to its opinion and ways of practicing law, I would seriously discourage lawyers of the 21st century from being members of that school.
Not too long ago, some of us while on attachment from law school complained about how lawyers looked in court, or how some law firms didn’t really practice the filing system as taught in law school, but now we are in the system and have forgotten about all that. In my humble opinion, the thought of a young wig should be focused on how to change the face of the legal profession; law students coming behind on attachment should see and speak differently about the 21st century lawyer.
Keep your office desk as tidy as possible; books should be properly arranged and files should be kept neatly, even engagements in the diary should be appropriately put down, as minute and inconsequential as this may sound, it would surely aid a lawyer to be better organised and have a firm grip on things that require his attention.
At this point it is worthy to note that finesse in legal practice is quite different from perfection, and what this writer proposes is not only theoretical in nature as some would believe, but what if practiced can elevate the impression of a young lawyer in the eyes of the society, be it as a barrister or solicitor {depending on the practice of a young wig} paying attention to details in our legal environment and carrying out legal duties with elegance, grace and skills would boost the personality behind the knowledge of law.
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