Fire code: ‘Architects, builders will go to jail’

The federal government on September 4, 2013, during its weekly executive council meeting endorsed the draft National Fire Safety Code for implementation across Nigeria.It is said that N50 billion is lost to fire disasters every year in Nigeria.Speaking with Daily Trust in Abuja, Ayadi who is excited by this development congratulated the Minister of Interior, […]

Fire code: ‘Architects, builders will go to jail’
Fire code: ‘Architects, builders will go to jail’

The federal government on September 4, 2013, during its weekly executive council meeting endorsed the draft National Fire Safety Code for implementation across Nigeria.
It is said that N50 billion is lost to fire disasters every year in Nigeria.
Speaking with Daily Trust in Abuja, Ayadi who is excited by this development congratulated the Minister of Interior, Mr Abba Moro and the Controller-General of the Nigeria Fire Service, Engr. Olusegun Okebiorun for their dogged push for the approval.
Fire experts had been lobbying for approval of the code since 2008.
Ayadi said, “The implication of the approval is that it will put architects, developers, everybody involved in building construction on their toes.
“Too many times structures are built without due consideration for fire safety input and at the end of the day, it’s always difficult to cast blame when there is fire outbreak in a building.
“Definitely, there will be prosecution. People will now pay fine.
“The architect will say they’re not the one. The building engineers will say they’re not. The electrical engineer will deny.
“But with the fire safety code now in place, we can say before you build, every fire safety element will have been considered and approval will have been given by the fire service.
“If there’s need to trace a particular fault, we know where to go.”
Implementation of the code becomes imperative because of the rapid urbanization and industrialization in the country.