Firm develops bangle with 4G connection

Smartwatches typically need to be paired with a phone and in many cases the wearables only work with specific devices.But one firm has come up with an alternative device that looks like a bangle, has a 4G connection and can be used to make calls.Called Neptune Duo, the gadget will comprise two parts – a […]

Firm develops bangle with 4G connection
Firm develops bangle with 4G connection

Smartwatches typically need to be paired with a phone and in many cases the wearables only work with specific devices.
But one firm has come up with an alternative device that looks like a bangle, has a 4G connection and can be used to make calls.
Called Neptune Duo, the gadget will comprise two parts – a ‘Hub’ that is worn on the wrist and a 5-inch touch display that is kept in a pocket for when a user wants to see information on a larger screen.
The idea is, that the ‘phone’ component is kept on a user’s wrist where it is less likely to be lost, than in their pocket.
The concept Hub bracelet is shown with a curved 2.4-inch touchscreen and can be used in the same way as a phone because it supports 3G and 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and NFC.
Its designers imagine it running on a quad-core processor, with 64GB of storage and a 1,000mAH battery inside.
It’s described by Montreal-based firm Neptune as ‘the world’s smartest wearable’ and owners will be able to make calls, send messages, check Facebook plus other social networks, and track fitness statistics on their wrist, when it is launched later this year.
The Hub will run on Android Lollipop, so users will be able to use an array of apps made for wearables.
And if they want to watch a film, look at a map or anything else that requires a larger screen, they can use the ‘Pocket screen’.
The display connects to the Hub wirelessly and has been designed with a 720p 5-inch screen, plus an 8MP camera on the rear, and a 2MP front-facing camera.
According to the firm’s website: ‘Much like a mouse, a keyboard, or a computer monitor, the Pocket screen is simply an interface for your Hub. It’s not very smart, it doesn’t need to be’.
The company said the screen should only need charging once every few days if it is not used heavily.
The Hub is designed to be used without the extra screen, leading the company to claim that people will never have to worry about forgetting their phone again.
The screens are also interchangeable, so a user could borrow a friend’s if they have left theirs at home, for example.
‘With all your apps and files stored on your Hub, a lost or stolen Pocket screen doesn’t mean lost data anymore,’ the website said.
The screen will also double as a battery pack for the Hub, which itself will need charging every few days with normal use.
This suggest it has a better battery life than Apple’s forthcoming Apple Watch, which is rumoured to need recharging every day.
The Neptune Duo is due to ship later this year and can be pre-ordered for between $498 (£323) and $698 (£452), depending on how much people want to pledge before launch.
It’s expected to retail for $800 (£518).
With this price tag, the device will be going head-to head with the Apple Watch and Samsung Gear S, which will both be able to make calls with the help of an accompanying smartphone.
Neptune’s founder Simon Tian, said: ‘My goal is to create a new brand that can stand on its own. If I can even grab 0.5 per cent of the market, we’ll be a huge business.’
Despite being 21 years old, it’s his second attempt at a smartwatch, The Globe and Mail reported.
He dreamt up his first, called Pine, when he was still at school and has sold around 8,000 so far.