First Lady cautions police against extorting GBV victims

Wife of the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Dr Martha Emmanuel, has cautioned policemen in the state against extorting money from Gender Based Violence (GBV) victims.  Dr Emmanuel who said that some policemen harass and demand money from GBV victims before their cases are attended to, noted that such attitude have scared other victims from speaking […]

First Lady cautions police against extorting GBV victims

Wife of the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Dr Martha Emmanuel, has cautioned policemen in the state against extorting money from Gender Based Violence (GBV) victims. 

Dr Emmanuel who said that some policemen harass and demand money from GBV victims before their cases are attended to, noted that such attitude have scared other victims from speaking out and lodging their complaints with the police, which should be their first port of call.

The First Lady, who spoke during a visit to the Commissioner of Police, Andrew Amiengheme, said demanding money from the already wounded and traumatized victims was an act of insensitivity.

She acknowledged the efforts and support of some police officers so far in addressing the menace, adding that the courtesy visit was to seek partnership with the police on how to tackle GBV issues in the state.

She called for the channelling of all rape cases to the family court, saying, it should not be settled out of court.

In his response, the Commissioner of Police, Andrew Amiengheme, thanked the First Lady for the visit and her campaign against all forms of GBV.

He assured her that offenders would be made to face the law but noted that most rape victims were reluctant to come forward to pursue their cases when they are offered money, blaming it on the high level of poverty in the state.