Five {5} years down the road and still counting!

Once upon a time, on April 3rd 2013, ‘The Young Lawyers Column’ was birthed into Media Trust Ltd, with intent to provide a column that would address the plight of young lawyers, provide an insight to non-lawyers on the happenings in the legal industry, and also to advance professional growth for legal professionals. Creating contents […]

Five {5} years down the road and still counting!

Once upon a time, on April 3rd 2013, ‘The Young Lawyers Column’ was birthed into Media Trust Ltd, with intent to provide a column that would address the plight of young lawyers, provide an insight to non-lawyers on the happenings in the legal industry, and also to advance professional growth for legal professionals. Creating contents for the legal industry has not been a smooth sail, yet despite the challenges related to content creation the pen is yet to run dry, all glory and gratitude goes to the Almighty for strength and wisdom.

To reach a wider audience in the legal industry and advance a modern legal practice for legal minds to improve their skills and knowledge to excel in the noble profession, the column transformed into ‘The Advocate with Daniel Bulusson’ in 2017 starting with ‘NBA career politicians’.

The column seeks to create awareness and educate the society about lawyers and the judiciary; it discusses contemporary issues from a young lawyer’s perspective and serves as a viable information dissemination platform. In our five {5}- year sojourn, the column has brought to light some of the problems and challenges faced by young lawyers and taught legal minds how best to navigate through the system and become lawyers of integrity, intelligence and character.

At a time like this in the industry, when lawyers are poorly paid and their welfare taken for granted by their principals, this column serves as a source of encouragement and empowerment to many legal professionals, and a reminder to seniors to cater for the juniors under their employ. The column has emphatically stressed the need for proper packaging garnished with serious hard work and help of God, which sooner or later translates into successful legal practice.

With the way Nigerians who are not lawyers look at the legal profession forming different impressions some true, while some false, the column has made them understand the workings and importance of the Nigerian Legal System in plain and simple language.

“This column is what I call prim and proper lawyer material where young lawyer leaders consider their mandate of organizing discussions at NBA conferences amidst plethora of problems plaguing today’s new wigs, including receiving wages not fit for office assistants in any self-respecting organization. Its awareness value is prime time equal for lawyers. Congratulations for having sustained this column despite the pressure of Law practice”- Emmanuel Onyedi Wingate Esq {Sterling Partnership, Lagos}

“The column has been a source of knowledge and information for junior and senior lawyers in the profession. The opinions expressed therein have been well worth the read and should be encouraged to reach a wider readership”- Amani Ayuba Esq {1st Hierarchy Legal & Professional Services, Abuja}

The greatest critic of literary works would be lawyers, and I say so because any literary creation is subject to critical minded interpretation by several gentlemen of the bar with different orientation, exposure, experience, and knowledge of the law, and its operation, and so not many would agree with some of our thoughts articulated therein, but then the column provides avenue for observers of different works of life, and station to drop their comments.

The column cannot claim to be the perfect source of information and development to legal professionals in the industry; there are plethora of legal literatures, and online media platforms that provide same services in the industry. The presence of these  platforms have been the driving force for our improvement and better service delivery on a daily.

The team is eternally grateful to all our readers, and followers on our social media platforms, none of the success recorded in the column would have been possible without you. Thank you for the support, encouragement, and motivation to keep keeping on. Many a times the journey looks impossible to continue, but your readership and followership has sustained the tempo even to greater heights. God bless you all.

Finally, a big thank you to Media Trust Ltd, publishers of Daily Trust Newspapers, for the opportunity to showcase this column to our readers. If not for your trust reposed in us, I doubt we would have achieved these five {5} years, and still be counting. 

God bless and Godspeed!

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