Five books for Mr Thompson Abu at 60

A week and a half ago, my husband of 34 years turned the corner and became a senior citizen at 60. I remember quite clearly the first time I met him at Radio Benue, Makurdi, where I was on my usual vacation job even though I was preparing for youth service in 1981 and he […]

Five books for Mr Thompson Abu at 60

A week and a half ago, my husband of 34 years turned the corner and became a senior citizen at 60. I remember quite clearly the first time I met him at Radio Benue, Makurdi, where I was on my usual vacation job even though I was preparing for youth service in 1981 and he was already a full-fledged staff, having joined a year before as a young graduate. I remember that he had not asked me to be his girlfriend or anything of the sort. He told me on the first day we met that he wanted to marry me and I thought he was joking. But Mr Thompson Abu, a complete gentleman proceeded to carry through his word, and today, 34 years later, he has remained steadfast, loving, hardworking and ever the supportive husband and father. I am grateful to God for his life and celebrate him in five books for standing by me at all times and being such a wonderful husband. These are five books to celebrate Mr Abu at 60 but also for all men who have supported their wives in their career, their businesses and in the home and provided the kind of exemplary leadership Mr Abu has provided in our home. Today, I salute an excellent broadcaster, a tower of a husband, a great father, top of the range communication expert, a terrific friend, public servant par excellence, a humour merchant, a profound writer, well respected, selfless and full of integrity. Happy Birthday, Mr, many more years in good health, and great joy in service to man, your nation and ultimately in service to God.

1) Trends in Nollywood – A study of selected genres. Having studied Theatre Arts at the University of Ibadan under the tutelage of the great Professor Adelugba, Mr Abu still carries theatre in his heart. An excellent theatre critic, he is wont to watch a Nollywood movie or a stage drama and tell us the beauty, the flaws and what they could have done better. My television career benefitted immensely from his advisory and he was part of many of my successes in the field. The benefits of his experience, both in the media and in theatre have been some of the nuggets that have made me who I am. He is never shy of telling you how something could be better done and has constructive criticism at every turn. Ayokoroma’s book on Nollywood is a fitting tribute to Mr Abu, considered by many as an informal director of any Nollywood movie he has watched, and truly, we have learnt from this master of both screen and stage. The book by Ayakoroma x-rays the evolution and development of the thematic pre-occupation of Nollywood movies, particularly in its first 15 years.

2) The Bible: It would be hard to not mention the good book when saluting Mr Abu. A dye-in-the-wool catholic, he is to be found in church offering his supplications every day at 7.30 am at the Nuncio, except if he is ill or has travelled. Apart from his family and friends, his other family are church members wherever he worships. We are indebted to him as a family for his continuous prayers over us.

3) Any book on Newsrooms, current affairs and President Donald Trump:  My husband’s legacy is in the newsroom of Radio Benue where he was Head of Current affairs and features early in his media career and at the World Bank where he was not too long ago Communications Consultant. His career also saw him as top media adviser to the Minister of Agriculture, Mr Audu Ogbeh, (when he was head of a political party) governors and deputy governors. His relationship with media men and women spans four decades and I still learn from his deep analysis of current affairs and news following trending issues and discussing everything with elegance and uncommon expertise.


4) Sous Chef, 24 hours in the kitchen by Michael Gibney. This is an incredible book for anyone who likes the art of cooking. When I met Mr Abu, I was surprised that he could cook. Not only could he cook a mean stew, but he surprised me with his prowess in cooking Egusi and making an excellent pepper soup. For many years when I travel, my children would call to tell me how daddy had made the best Egusi they had eaten. He enjoys cooking and so any cookery book is a worthy tribute to him. Any man who can cook will always be a man to be admired. These days not so much but I salute and respect Mr Abu. A man of many parts who is full of integrity.

5) The Thorn Birds by Australian best-selling novelist, Colleen Mccullough. Written in 1977 and later adopted for a TV mini-series, this saga follows three generations of women and their life stories intertwined with the story of a Priest. Mr Abu loves epic stories that span different characters and the thorn bird was one of his favorites, dealing with man, faith and love. This is such a tender book of epical proportions and I recommend it highly for anyone who loves epic books. I remember him spending two days and two nights awake watching the movie of this incredible book.


Bonus books

Any book on loyalty. Mr Abu is very loyal to his friends and family.

Any book on kindness: This is one of his greatest weaknesses. He will always tell you to give everyone the benefit of doubt. Any book on health. We refer to him as the alternate Doctor. Any book on Engineering. Many people think he is an Engineer because of his ability to unravel any technical gadget, television, computers, music set etcetera. He is impatient with manuals and would figure it out by himself. Any book on Fatherhood: Mr Abu has always been an excellent husband. Any book on calmness: In the middle of a storm, he is the calmest man I know.


Although this column may cause a bit of a discomfort for Mr Abu as he is publicity shy, we celebrate you sir! As a writer, this is my way of saluting my soulmate for his selflessness, his love and his candor. Congratulations!