Five books in celebration of Rev. Fr. George Ehusani

Father George Ehusani is a very well-known religious cleric of the Catholic faith. He is also an academic with a Doctor of Ministry degree from Howard University Washington DC. A theologian, writer and Life coach, Fr Ehusani’s passion for the young and the restless continue to resonate in the many activities he organizes to address […]

Five books in celebration of Rev. Fr. George Ehusani

Father George Ehusani is a very well-known religious cleric of the Catholic faith. He is also an academic with a Doctor of Ministry degree from Howard University Washington DC. A theologian, writer and Life coach, Fr Ehusani’s passion for the young and the restless continue to resonate in the many activities he organizes to address societal ills. His wide ranging interest in things that can help lift the Nigerian society from parenting to anti-corruption is the drive that has ensured that our paths continued to cross throughout 2018. In addition to his broadcast ministry, Reflections, airing on AIT and Catholic Television, Fr Ehusani has been busy with the support of the MacArthur Foundation, providing large batches of religious leaders with education and information on the best ways to address anti-corruption in mosques and churches. I have been privileged to be part of the facilitators for this incredible initiative by Lux Terra Foundation, an organization Father Ehusani founded and leads. Religious leaders get to hear how media influences and influencers can affect their congregation negatively, how social media is weaponising corruption and how using the same media tools they can affect their congregation positively. Other facilitators including Father Ehusani himself have taught ways of ensuring corruption does not take root in churches and mosques, how as a religious leader you can be a better role model and identifying methods of curbing corruption in all its definitions. These interventions have led to knowledge sharing on the consequences of corruption to National Development and all the positive ways one can fight it in any social space. Aside from the powerful insights gained by religious leaders, it has led to new stories of addressing a sore problem and many strategies for addressing it. I salute Fr Ehusani for all the work that he does with so much passion and as he turns 37 years in the Priesthood this year, I congratulate and wish him well. Here are five books to celebrate this religious cleric and intellectual in the anti-corruption vanguard.

1) Come Let us be on our way by Pope John Paul the 2nd is an exciting collection of essays from the Pontiff, addressing issues of modernity, the youth, women, worship and examples of how interrelationship with other faiths, Islam, Buddhism etcetera is a learning curve and must be encouraged. Other faiths and understanding of them, enriches your own and establishes peace in the world. This is a gem of a book to be read and savored by all. When I am befuddled by the daily challenges we face in a modern complex world, this is one of the books I read and re-read to give me the energy to breathe. A great book.

2) Fr. Ehusani, not only writes analytical papers in theology, articles in the papers about the state of the nation but has also written Poetry, one of my favorite literary genres’. In words as captivating as they are profound, Father Ehusani’s Flames of Truth is full of philosophical and spiritual pieces. It also examines the emptiness of life like in the poem Toiled all night, it says “Our lot has been a midnight of empty dreams and broken promises.” According to Professor Joseph Aliyu who wrote the forward, the poems are a collective reflection, a form of examination anchored on hope. This collection is a refreshing dip into our souls and a spiritual and honest journey, about man, about emotions, about pain, about hope and Faith.

3) Petals of Truth a forerunner of Flames of Truth by Father Ehusani is published in 1998. This collection examines life, love and peace. Two pieces are written in the celebration of Mother Theresa and her impact on the world through her charity and peacebuilding attributes. In one of the poems, Fr Ehusani captures the essence of love as espoused by Mother Theresa.” Love until it hurts, for until it really hurts, all claims to love are mere pretensions…” Full of life and rhythm and the vicissitudes of life, the collection’s forward is by Father Ofei. There are many amazing poems in the collection but I am particularly taken in by the poem for my sick friend. A poem of empathy, a feeling we all have when our friends or family members fall ill. “If I had my way, I will be sick in your stead, since I see I have no say, I am praying for your sake…” Again, a collection full of reflections, questions and philosophy. Highly recommended in these troubled times in the world.

4) Fragments of Truth by Fr. Ehusani is another book in this trilogy of poems which give Fr. Ehusani, a platform to speak his mind on a variety of issues, give us food for thought and offer us the gift of the spirit. The collection is dedicated “To those who burn inside with passion for love, for life for truth, for justice, for peace. Indeed, the collection takes up all these themes and x-rays them giving perspective to the words and elevating them from their ordinary meaning while adding value. I am intrigued by the poem Madness. “I know a land, the poet says where the worst is not bad enough, where a brigade of bandits, pontificate over the polity and with unsheathed swords banish civility and celebrate criminality. Their saints and scholars are behind bars while their meek and humble waste away senselessly. Published in 1997, one wonders the poet’s state of mind at this time and wonders still whether there are parallels anywhere in the world today. One wonders why those who say let’s do things properly continue to be the most harassed all over the world. In the civil service, in families everywhere, the bandits seem to hold sway and those with something positive to say, something that will help repair are the most demonized. For even in Nigeria, advance fee fraud and corrupt persons seem to be the most respected. It boggles the mind. This collection brimming with truth and sensibilities, spirit and passion is a collector’s item.

5) The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. Full of wit, wisdom, knowledge and deep analysis of the human mind. This collection of Poems and illustrations with deeply philosophical pieces in a slim volume should be everyone’s bedside book. Published in 1923, it is as relevant today as it was when it was written. A true gift to anyone who seeks understanding and advisory for dealing with life.