Five important books on my desk right now

Happy Independence celebration to all our readers. Today’s edition of the column has been carefully chosen to look at things that bother us and bug us as a nation. Other books are for pleasure. In writing this column weekly I have often looked closely at gems and special books that should be shared with readers. […]

Five important books on my desk right now

Happy Independence celebration to all our readers. Today’s edition of the column has been carefully chosen to look at things that bother us and bug us as a nation. Other books are for pleasure. In writing this column weekly I have often looked closely at gems and special books that should be shared with readers. Some of them for the sheer pleasure they bring to the readers, others for the lessons they deliver, others still for the beauty of the words and the incredible journey they take us through. Like I have said multiple times in my column, reading is both pleasure and education. I would never have been as knowledgeable as I am if not for my love of books. They have served as my sleep inducing miracle, they have served as my teachers, providing me valuable information over the years, they have served as my travel guide taking me to far flung places, they have also served as my psychologist providing me relief in stormy times. My romance with books is a very special one indeed. Against this background I would like to share some truly important books that you must have missed, gems that I have found that I want to share this holiday. Enjoy!