Five magazines that should be on your desk right now

1) Newsweek: Edition of 22/04/2016: The cover story is of a man of interest, the Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 Norwegians mostly youths on the 22 July 2011. This man who describes his massacre as his “book launch” has been quoted as saying “I was wondering how many people I needed to […]

Five magazines that should be on your desk right now
Five magazines that should be on your desk right now

1) Newsweek: Edition of 22/04/2016: The cover story is of a man of interest, the Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 Norwegians mostly youths on the 22 July 2011. This man who describes his massacre as his “book launch” has been quoted as saying “I was wondering how many people I needed to kill to be read”. This he did to get attention for his horrible polemics, anti-immigrant, pro-Hitler etcetera.
In this Edition of Newsweek, reporters and columnists piece together the story of a man who uses the media to his advantage and acts like a superstar while drawing more attention to his dark business, dressed in a dapper suit and arriving in court with a Nazi salute that caught the world’s attention. His manifesto “2083- A European declaration of independence” is being ideolized by right wing ideologues. He has been evaluated by psychiatrists and diagnosed as having narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder (an earlier group said he suffered schizophrenia). The court sided with the second group which diagnosed him with anti-social personality disorder.
Right wing bloggers and media activists as well as nationalist movements in Europe are saluting his anti-people, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant mantra. This tells us a lot about how Europe is evolving in the coming years and how migrants will be viewed by Nation states. It’s time to be afraid, very afraid. In addition, this murderer is demanding for his human right, complaining about cold coffee and other such privileges that a prisoner should not complain about. His isolation dwelling place (pictures shown in Newsweek) has three cells, a shower, a storage room plus a TV, a typewriter, a treadmill, a stationary bike, an elliptical trainer, a DVD player and a playstation. Splendid isolation. Incredible! In the meantime, he has been described as a continuous threat to Europe- a real and present danger.

2) Newsweek’s Special Edition of 100 People that Shaped Our World is a collector’s item. Those who made the list are as intriguing as they are cerebral. Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Bhudda, Mohammed Ali, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Pablo Picasso, Pope John Paul II, the Beatles, Zuckerberg, Nelson Mandela, Elvis Presley etcetera. It was interesting to see that Oprah made the list but Michael Jackson did not. In this edition is Harriet Tubman, who freed over one hundred slaves in America and is soon to be honoured on the American $20 bill. Also in this special edition is Garrett Morgan, the African American who against all odds invented the gas mask and traffic signal.

3) FOOD AND TRAVEL MAGAZINE : I am a gastronome and any  food magazine is my thing but the moment you add travel to this then I am sold because I am also a world traveller, so finding things I love in one magazine is Nirvana. The Food and Travel magazine is for all foodies and all travellers. Everything is beautifully put together and everything is edible just by looking at the pictures, Glorious, Exotic, Fetching.

4) ADESUWA ONYENOKWE’S TODAY’S WOMAN  continues to soar. I particularly enjoy the breezy style of the magazine and the many features and segments that keeps me going back for more. As a magazine aficionado, you have to get me otherwise I would easily migrate in this very competitive magazine world. But Adesuwa gets it and my TW is always, always a good gift to myself.

5) TIME MAGAZINE: This weekly magazine continues to re-invent itself in great features, locked columns and old time excellent journalism. How those words string together in such wonderful prose always makes me happy. Then the page on quotes around the world during the week give you an update on who said what in the page titled For the record, take a sneak preview, “I don’t know why that word is so scary to people”. Jennifer Lawrence, actor, saying the word feminism shouldn’t be controversial “because it just means equality”. “Nobody is above the law. How many times do I have to say it?” President Obama, vowing that political considerations will not affect the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state”. Finally and this one blew me away.                                                                   
“It is my lack of virtue and I am unbearably ashamed”. Shifumi Suzuki, Chairman and CEO of the parent company of convenience store giant 7-Eleven blaming his own shortcomings as he resigned after losing a boardroom battle. How many Nigerians can accept blame? I love Time magazine even if For the Record is the only page I read but there is always more, much more.