Flood kills woman in Taraba, girl missing

A housewife has been killed by floodwater and a girl gone missing following a downpour in Nguroge town in Taraba State. Ibrahim Nguroge, a resident, explained that on Saturday the flood was exacerbated by blocked drains filled with refuse, and that collapsed many houses. Nguroge explained that the housewife died when the room she was […]

Flood kills woman in Taraba, girl missing

Flooded rice farms

A housewife has been killed by floodwater and a girl gone missing following a downpour in Nguroge town in Taraba State.

Ibrahim Nguroge, a resident, explained that on Saturday the flood was exacerbated by blocked drains filled with refuse, and that collapsed many houses.

Nguroge explained that the housewife died when the room she was in collapsed, while the young girl went missing after her father’s residence flooded.

In the aftermath of the disaster, he said affected individuals had sought refuge with relatives while others had been accommodated in primary schools.