Flooding: The need for proper drainage system

Rainfall is seen as a blessing to the people. More water means wetland, wetland entails grain growth. But it is said too much of everything is bad; same goes for excessive rainfall.  Flood has taken a toll on the people, causing death and displacement of people in the country. There have been many reasons for […]

Flooding: The need for proper drainage system
Flooding: The need for proper drainage system

Rainfall is seen as a blessing to the people. More water means wetland, wetland entails grain growth. But it is said too much of everything is bad; same goes for excessive rainfall. 

Flood has taken a toll on the people, causing death and displacement of people in the country. There have been many reasons for flooding, as given by different analysts. Land pollution has been a major issue in Nigeria as we have ignored the laws against littering the environment. 

In many towns and cities, drainage systems have been turned into waste disposal points. When the dirt piles up in the drainage, it causes the water to stop flowing properly. Eventually, when rain falls in excess, it overflows and starts flooding. 

Also, another factor that adds to the flooding of homes is people living downhill. The water flows down and when there is no drainage, it causes flooding. 

Again some drainage systems are poorly constructed, thus making them unable to withstand an excessive flow of water. 

Hence, there should be adequate drainage systems in both rural and urban centres to curtail the annual flooding that is killing people and destroying properties. People should also be educated on the need to ensure proper disposal of refuse and should desist from making drainage systems their refuse dumps.  

Appropriate sanctions should be meted out to those who refuse to adhere to this. 

Sandra Stanley, Department of Mass Communication University of Maiduguri