For those who want to take Buhari’s job

Agitation means calling to attention by speech or writing, discussion or debate, and sometimes it may amount to violence. It is self-evident that we are operating a democratic system in this country, as such, every Nigerian has the right to scramble for any position, including presidency. Therefore, if people start showing their interest right now, […]

For those who want to take Buhari’s job

Agitation means calling to attention by speech or writing, discussion or debate, and sometimes it may amount to violence. It is self-evident that we are operating a democratic system in this country, as such, every Nigerian has the right to scramble for any position, including presidency. Therefore, if people start showing their interest right now, that will not be out of place.

To me, the way President Muhammad Buhari is repositioning the country is marvelous. We should recall that PMB and his government inherited an empty treasury and our foreign reserve had deflated to an alarming level. Insecurity was second to none. Petroleum products were very scarce and hard to come by. We were completely dependent on foreign agricultural products. A country like Nigeria could not feed herself. She depended on countries like Cameroun or Thailand. Now we have started producing our food internally to feed ourselves. I have no iota of doubt that if we keep the present tempo and pace, Nigeria will soon be an exporter of food.

In terms of security we are all living witnesses that there is a great improvement. Boko Haram is degraded. Kidnapping has reduced. Kaduna-Abuja road has become secure to a large extent, and so in the other parts of the country. Some of our refineries have undergone turnaround repairs. PMB was able to redeem the name of our country overseas. He returned to our army their lost glory. His efforts to unite this country should be appreciated. His historic visit to the Southeast of this country, particularly Ebonyi and Anambra states is clear evidence. The two governors have demonstrated clearly how Nigerians are one. 

The governor of Ebonyi State said in his speech during the banquet organized for the president that PMB is the father of the nation. The most impressive words during that speech were that Nigeria would remain one and indivisible. He remarked that the enemies of Nigeria would never succeed. Furthermore he affirmed his support for the proscription of IPOB, which all true Nigerians have accepted their outlawry and interdiction. This is how all of us should be. We don’t have any country apart from Nigeria. Wherever one goes he will remain an alien without due respect. For instance, let one see how we are being treated in South Africa, the country that we toiled for her freedom vigorously and devoutly. See how we are continuously being deported from Libya. Today Nigerians and other African immigrants have become goods being sold at a very low price, not more than $300. This practice was shown on Alarabiya T.V. on 15/11/2017. It happens also in Libya. This means bondage, humiliation and serfdom are back out of our volition and willing, because we refuse to remain in our motherland where we have our dignity and respect. See how blacks are still being maltreated in America. Now to get their Visa has become tug of war, because they don’t want us in their country. The same thing applies to Visa to India and some other countries in the world. Nnamdi Kanu should know that those who instigate him are not sincere with him.

No country can develop or progress under the yoke or enslavement of corruption and corrupt people. PMB must fight corruption and indiscipline before he will be able to reposition the country. We all must put Nigeria first as India and China did, otherwise we are going to remain as we are now and forever, may Allah forbid so. I am not unmindful that we are passing through a very difficult time, but one should bear in mind that, this situation was not created by PMB and his government.

In conclusion, I would like to draw the attention of the government to this fact. I would like to use this opportunity to plead and appeal to the federal government to bring the current incessant shortfall in workers’ salaries to a halt. Their salaries are being cut monthly for no oblivious reason. Salaries are being cut up for all categories of workers, especially the junior ones who suffer most, whose salaries are  very low. By so doing you are punishing their entire families. If the salaries are not increased, I feel that they should not be reduced.  It is my personal opinion that if the government cannot employ new workers, it is also equally pertinent that they should not be reduced as done in Kaduna State, otherwise our war against social vices will go nowhere. Let us not punish the paupers for the sins of the grafters and their act of thievery.

Prof. Nguru is the Chief Executive of Nigeria Arabic Village, Ngala, Borno State.