Forget 800m trek, Atiku jogs a mile

Hours after President Muhammadu Buhari made headlines for trekking 800 metres in Daura, former vice president Abubakar Atiku cited his personal feat. Read also Buhari treks 800 metres after Eid el-Kabir prayer in Daura He posted a photo of him walking a treadmill and said he regularly jogs "more than a mile". He said he […]

Forget 800m trek, Atiku jogs a mile

Hours after President Muhammadu Buhari made headlines for trekking 800 metres in Daura, former vice president Abubakar Atiku cited his personal feat.

Read also Buhari treks 800 metres after Eid el-Kabir prayer in Daura

He posted a photo of him walking a treadmill and said he regularly jogs "more than a mile".

He said he didn’t want votes for walking feat, but because he wanted to work.

He said: "I regularly jog more than a mile & exercise, but it will be pedestrian of me to ask Nigerians to vote for me because of that. I want my party – the PDP, and Nigerians, to vote for me because I WORK not because I WALK. I will work to create jobs. I won’t walk to create an illusion"