Foundational reason for thanksgiving

Psalm 103:1-13 (please read) My comments will be in form of two questions. What Are you living, your vision, or your revision? Focus on your future, not your past. The Apostles Paul gave the recipe for success, he says he forgets the past so he can reach for the future (Philippians 3:13-14). The late Myles […]

Foundational reason for thanksgiving
Foundational reason for thanksgiving

Psalm 103:1-13 (please read)

My comments will be in form of two questions.

  1. What Are you living, your vision, or your revision? Focus on your future, not your past. The Apostles Paul gave the recipe for success, he says he forgets the past so he can reach for the future (Philippians 3:13-14). The late Myles Munroe said, “The greatest threat to your future is your past.” The problem is people remember what they are supposed to forget and forget things they should remember. Majority of people are failing because instead of living according to a vision they are living according to a revision. What is a revision? It is going back to something you’ve already done. When you revise a revision, you are basically living something you’ve already lived. I believe it is impossible for you to succeed until the future becomes more important than your past. Think about your life, there is a dream in your heart that is much bigger than the nightmare you are experiencing. Well over 90% of people are so preoccupied with what they’ve done that they never plan to do what they could. Forget your past failures or even successes if you want to see your dream come true. Don’t waste your energy thinking of your past, Select and delete it.
  2. What do you value most? The King David told his soul to remember the most important things in his life and to give thanks unto God. He had his priorities right, he began with forgiveness of sins. Psalm 103:3, “[3] Who forgiveth all thine iniquities…”

After listing the benefits David wanted to thank God for, he now said something rather interesting: he painted the picture of a relationship in verse 13. He said, “Like as a father pitieth his children…” Notice what the Psalmist started with: redemption. He did not begin with the stuff God gives us but with redemption which brought us into a relationship with God.

Most people give thanks only for the stuff they have and when they don’t have stuff they find it difficult to give thanks. At best they give thanks reluctantly.

The fundamental key to developing a grateful heart is to understand redemption and fully appropriate all its benefits.

To understand how powerful redemption is you need to understand the Kingdom of God and what it means to be saved and included in it. Redemption means you are saved and sworn into the greatest Kingdom in all of creation. This is where King David began from. This is the foundation of our celebration.

People celebrate when they obtain the American passport for instance because of the possibilities and privileges of their new status. Migrants take huge risks to cross the Mediterranean Sea every day to get to Europe to escape poverty and death. And they celebrate when they get it. They celebrate because they have heard and seen evidence of life in the western world.

We are not saved into thin air and left to find our way in life. We are saved and translated into a new family, a new Kingdom that is quite different from the one we have known and lived in all our lives.

We have escaped from the kingdom of darkness, Satan’s kingdom, where we were held as slaves with no rights. In the kingdom of darkness we were all under condemnation and suffered sickness, disease, lack, hunger, fear, insecurity, uncertainty, humiliation, shame, constant torment, all kinds of afflictions, oppression, nightmares, frustration, hopelessness, deception, and death. The Bible says in John 10:10a, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” Satan is wicked, mean and ruthless. There is no mercy associated with him whatsoever. Everywhere he passes, he leaves a trail of destruction. He is a liar and the father of lies. He is a thief who operates under the cover of darkness to steal everything.

This is what we were enduring before we got saved. Now we are new creatures in an entirely different Kingdom – the Kingdom of God’s dear Son! Colossians 1:13, “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.”

Jesus came to restore mankind to his original position. He came to restore man’s dignity. He came to restore our spiritual, mental and financial dignity. Jesus came to earth to put value back on man.

This is the primary reason we give thanks to God all the time. We are free at last. We are back where God intended for us be, we are back in His Kingdom as His children.

Where are back in the place where everything is provided. People are not rushing in because we have not preached it and because they have not seen evidence of it.

It’s a Kingdom where God is King. He is not just King of citizens, He is the King of kings. He is royalty and His children are not servants or slaves but royalty! He is the Father of sons. Jesus taught us to pray to Him as “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…” His name is revered. He is respected, reputable, dignified and honourable. He is the dignitary of all dignitaries, He is the majesty on high! He is a God of absolute integrity and does not lie.

Let’s return to the word ‘Father’. The Hebrew word for father, is ab or abba which means source. The Greek word for father, is pater from which we derive our word paternity.

God is our Father, our Source. He is our source of peace, joy, and wholeness. He is our provider. He is our protector and defender. He is the source of our wisdom. He is our eternal guide. These things are not meant to happen when we get to heaven; they are meant to be happening right here on earth, right now! Every single day!

Like children, we are expected to completely rely on Him for everything: provision, protection, guidance, healing, etc.

To better understand this and live a life of thanksgiving, let us return to Eden in the book of Genesis. Genesis 2:8, “And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

Eden means spot, presence, open door, delightful spot.

Eden therefore means, “The spot for the moment where the presence of God is an open door to heaven.”  We are back in His presence.

The word father also means Foundation. God is the foundation of everything. Every successful life is built on Him. He carries everything.

When Israel escaped from slavery and oppression in Egypt en-route to the Promised Land, they broke into spontaneous celebration (Exodus 15). Until people understand redemption, they will not celebrate every day. As I said earlier, People are not rushing into the Kingdom of God because we have not preached it and because they have not seen evidence of it in our lives.

Celebrate your freedom and much more, celebrate your sonship, celebrate your Father, celebrate your inclusion in His amazing Kingdom. Celebrate your royalty. Celebrate your authority on earth. You are a son of God, the earth is waiting for your manifestation!

You will prosper, you will flourish, you will shine, you will be celebrated, in Jesus name!

Have a blessed week and month!


Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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