Free to fly high

When I was young, I was fascinated by birds. Their ability to fly and soar high intrigued me. You could capture other animals more easily but not birds. Whenever they felt threatened, they simply flapped their wings and took off into the air. They were free and they could fly. They were birds and they […]

Free to fly high

When I was young, I was fascinated by birds. Their ability to fly and soar high intrigued me. You could capture other animals more easily but not birds. Whenever they felt threatened, they simply flapped their wings and took off into the air. They were free and they could fly. They were birds and they were created to fly.
So, I was equally fascinated by bird cages. I bought one with a bird in it. I owned the bird, I fed it and limited it inside the cage. It could not fly like others. It was not free to express its full potentials because it was caged.
As a pastor, I have heard the sad tales of people who have been struggling through life unaware they are caged by the enemy. They have potentials they cannot express. They know they are born to fly high but they are unable to fly.
There are two categories of slaves: voluntary slaves – people who sold themselves and forced slaves – those who are taken captive by force.
There are 5 basic forms of captivity:
1. Emotional Captivity. Disillusionment, discouragement and regret are often used by the devil to deprive people of their freedom. Feeling hopeless is an emotional prison in which many people are locked away by the enemy. If the devil can convince you that there is nothing you or anyone can do to help your situation, he can keep you bound for ever. To be bound to your hurt is to forfeit your future and your freedom. Until you are free of regrets, you cannot make progress.
2.    Mental captivity. The enemy’s most effective chain is wrong belief. The greatest cause of bondage is believing a lie. The greatest source of freedom is knowing the truth. It is very difficult to deliver a man who is in error and does not know it. Where your mind goes your life follows. If you don’t want it to happen in your life! Get it out of your mind! Satan also enslaves through Ignorance. My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6). There are no easier preys for the devil than ignorant believers. Many people are cheated and exploited because they are ignorant of God’s love, power, faithfulness, principles, provisions, grace, mercy, etc. They are also ignorant of their authority in Christ and their rights as sons. To be bound by ignorance is the worst form of captivity.
3. Physical captivity. Physical ailments limit energy and resources necessary for the pursuit and attainment of destiny. They have the capacity to cut life short.
4. Financial captivity. Poverty confines a man to a small space in life. To be broke is to be at the mercy of everyone: landlords, transporters, etc.
5. Spiritual captivity. Satan enslaves through sin. Bondage to bad habits can destroy a person. The Bible talks about “sins that do easily beset us.” Whatever enslaves a man dominates him. Note that slaves have no rights. Sin is the reason many labour in vain. You are a slave to whatever you choose to obey.
Why freedom?
1.    Until you are free, you cannot fly. Joseph could not be promoted until he was released from prison.
2. Until you are free, you cannot reign. Nelson Mandela could not become president until he was out of prison.
3. Until you are free, you can have nothing. Until you are free, your hands cannot be filled. Until you are free, you can barely feed. Until you are free, you have no rights. They worked for their Egyptian masters without pay. They owned nothing. Their labour was for another. Until you are free, your rights are theoretical. Israel had no rights until they were delivered from Egyptian slavery. They had no possessions until they were set free. Obadiah 1:17,
How to be free
A bird cannot come out of the cage unless someone lets it out. One day, one of my siblings wanted to play with my bird in my absence and left the cage door open. The bird hopped to the entrance and flew out of the cage into the air and out of our reach. It was gone; it was free!
There is only one word for freedom: JESUS! He came to open the cage so that captives can be set free. He came to set the captives free. He came to deliver the oppressed. He is mightier than Moses. He was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5. See also Luke 4:18.
Jesus purchased for us a very perfect redemption (Eph 1:7). The Greek word translated redemption is the word apolutrosis which means ransom in full. The death of Jesus covered every angle.
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Jesus does not set you free and goes away; He hangs around to make you. Making is a process.
Each time we talk of deliverance the only thing that comes to most people’s mind is demons. But a person can be free of demons and still not be completely free. The aim of being free is to enhance the quality of life.
Complete liberty must therefore include…
• Mental and psychological well being.
• Financial well being
• Physical well being
• Social well being
The very place where the devil plans to humiliate you is the place where God will honour you. God elevated Joseph in the very land of Egypt where he suffered as a slave and prisoner. God will honour you in this very land.
I decree your freedom now, in the mighty name of Jesus!!
I see the chains breaking off of your life! I see you coming out of that predicament.
He came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly. He came to lift us out of poverty and shame.
Are you willing to be set free from your sins? Are you willing to taste the life of the kingdom of God? Are you willing to come out of the cage of the devil and fly?
How do you enjoy this complete liberty?
10 ways to enjoy complete freedom (Continued next Sunday)
Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.  [email protected]
08035150515, 08054224779, 08036387989

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