Fresh out of law school thought

Once called to the Nigerian Bar Association, a lawyer is filled with joy, passion, high spirit, and excitement. All the years of burning the midnight candle have finally paid off. It, however, does not stop there, the thought of what to do next begin to form in a lawyer’s mind. Of course, lawyers have varied […]

Fresh out of law school thought

Once called to the Nigerian Bar Association, a lawyer is filled with joy, passion, high spirit, and excitement. All the years of burning the midnight candle have finally paid off. It, however, does not stop there, the thought of what to do next begin to form in a lawyer’s mind.

Of course, lawyers have varied experience, as far as appearing in court for the first time to handle a matter is concerned. Miss Abu Osayamen Gift, a youth corps member, said her fresh out of law school thought is how the experience would be if she was asked by her firm to go to court on her own.  What would be the reaction of the court and her fellow colleagues to her mistakes and how would she be properly guided?

On the first appearance of a lawyer in court, it is natural to ponder on how it would be like. This does not mean that the lawyer is not capable of handling the task. 

To conquer the fear of first appearance, pick up a case file handled by the firm adjourned till after the vacation and study it, familiarise yourself with facts of the case, ask questions from colleagues in the firm on issues not understood and show great aplomb when addressing the court.

Secure the confidence of the law firm to overcome fear and improve your practice of law. Once the law firm notices a lawyer’s zeal and determination to learn, tasks are then assigned to keep the lawyer engaged, which would help the lawyers self esteem when communicating with colleagues and court alike.

Preparing for the big brief, Chikezie Ezuma, Esq, a young wig also serving his fatherland, said his fresh out of law school thought was how to win the big brief. His primary purpose is not the money, but how to equip himself with right legal skills to land the juicy brief.

Anything is possible. A lawyer can be anything he sets his mind to accomplish. The profession avails no restriction to what a lawyer can or can’t be. There are lawyers in the medical field, banking industry, oil and gas industry and armed forces. Let young wigs not see the legal profession as too huge a legal community to make an impact.

Think and be creative, most of our seniors came into the legal profession in an era of less technological advancement, letters were sent to clients through the NIPOST which took days to deliver, phone calls were made with land lines, and so on. Now communication is on the go, we even cast our votes at the just concluded NBA election with mobile devices.

Research can be done online, legal authorities are located online, precedents and forms of several legal documents are also online. This provides an easy and less stressful learning tool to the young lawyer. Gone are the days when one had to spend three nights to get answers on a particular issue, the technology advancement of today and the accessibility should be used to improve our legal skills and profile.

Join a network of learned friends. A wise man once said” “No man is an island.” A young wig cannot do it on his, or her, own. There are Whatsapp groups with membership restricted to lawyers were issues are constructively discussed with location not being a barrier to communication. Join such groups, be it Young Lawyers Forum, the branch or the legal writing class, e.t.c.

Feel at home, don’t act as a visitor, step into the legal profession with the aura that you are at home and not visiting. If you act as a visitor, don’t complain when you are not treated as one by your colleagues. Feel at home, ask questions, respect your seniors, conduct yourself in an orderly manner, both in speech and conduct, and you would excel beyond your imagination.


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