Friend of Progressive People

President Kim Il Sung (April 15, 1912 – July 8, 1994), Eternal Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK), yet the…

Friend of Progressive People

By Alhassan Mamman

President Kim Il Sung (April 15, 1912 – July 8, 1994), Eternal Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK), yet the world still remembers him.

The Juche ideas created by President Kim Il Sung serve as an invariable guide for many countries and peoples who aspire to a sovereign life and an independent society.

It should be remembered that the 20th century was a time of upheaval marked by the liberation struggle of oppressed peoples against colonialism and domination on a global scale, but also by an extreme confrontation between socialism and capitalism.

The DPRK, despite being a small country, has made tremendous progress by remaining steadfast in the face of pressure from the great powers, thus earning the admiration of many countries. The ideas of Juche, the driving force behind the independent development of the DPRK, soon attracted worldwide attention.

The oppressed peoples and the newly independent peoples have accepted for themselves the ideas of the Juche which consider that the popular masses are the masters of the revolution and the development of the country and have the strength to promote them, that is to say that everyone is the master of their destiny and has the strength to shape it.

The assertion advanced by Juche ideas that there can be big and small countries in the world, but not superior and inferior countries, has spread in the countries of Europe as elsewhere.

The spread of Juche ideas has ushered in a new era on the international scene, that of independence, when newly independent countries and non-aligned countries can wield great influence in the international political arena by demonstrating their dignity and sovereignty.

If progressive peoples remember President Kim Il Sung, it is because he sincerely helped the peoples of Asia and Africa in their struggle for national liberation against imperialism and for the building of a new society.

President Kim Il Sung received in audience the party leaders and heads of state of many countries to show them the way to build a new and independent society and to present to them the experiences and lessons accumulated by the DPRK.

He granted, in spite of the difficulties that his country was experiencing, material and moral aid to the national liberation struggle of the countries of Asia and Africa, in particular Vietnam, Cuba, Syria, Egypt and other Arab countries. .

He has sent technicians from different fields, facilities and offering building materials to many newly independent African countries to enable them to develop independently. Thanks to Korean technicians, in various African countries, innovative agricultural methods have been applied, irrigation canals have been developed, as well as monumental architectures and industrial establishments have emerged.

Progressive peoples keep in their memory President Kim Il Sung, whom they thank for the assistance given to peoples who love independence and aspire to live and develop in complete independence.

Muhammad is the Dean, Faculty of Social Science, University of Abuja