From my mailbox

From my mail box From: Hassan Imran Subject: Re: An unlikely counselor Polygamy is a practice that has been in existence right from the olden days. If it is practiced in a proper and polite way, as the religion teaches, it won’t cause any kind of problem. A happy home can be maintained and it […]

From my mailbox

From my mail box
From: Hassan Imran

Subject: Re: An unlikely counselor Polygamy is a practice that has been in existence right from the olden days. If it is practiced in a proper and polite way, as the religion teaches, it won’t cause any kind of problem. A happy home can be maintained and it won’t turn into a conflict or war zone. At times, some men tend to bring a distraction into a peaceful family whenever their women misbehave or mistakenly did something wrong but which is pardonable. They threaten such wives with the idea of marrying another. Imagine a man that married a woman when he was not financially stable but this wife was able to exercise patience and remained optimistic that tomorrow would be a better day. Unfortunately, when the husband becomes wealthy, instead of him to repay her patience by taking good of his wife and by making her enjoy his wealth, he will now   come up with the idea of marrying another wife.
For God sakes, where is the justice in this heartless and wicked act?  As a result of this, those women would be seen roaming about from one witch doctor (i.e. Mallams or Babalawo) to another, seeking for spiritual help that would prevent their husband from marrying another woman.
It is obvious that what God has decreed must surely happen. As the saying goes “Man proposes and God disposes.” I really commend the efforts of Asabe for agreeing to build a mosque, rather than spend the money on spiritualists. This good gesture will surely serve as a continuous charity for her after her death.

From: Rabiata Garga
Subject: RE: Seeking a breakthrough.

Assalamu alaikum Anti Bint. I think the Ummah has a very big task of repenting to Allah SWT and mending our ways so as to improve our relationship with our Creator.
All these calamities are as a result of our deeds. People now worship money and power, they forget that whatever Almighty Allah has destined to be yours will always come to you. People have two choices now, either to work hard and wait to get what they want it rightfully or to look for other ways to get it which in most cases, will only displease their Lord. It is in this same Zaria that I read about the missing medical students of ABUTH, only to hear later that one of them had been found dead, with some of her body parts missing. If this is true what are we looking for in this world that we are willing to kill and mutilate fellow human beings just to use them for rituals? In spite of all this evil being committed one must die one day.
So are these atrocities worthwhile? Whatever we seek we must leave behind us here when we die but the sins committed are with us till eternity, where wealth and power have no relevance to anyone. As for the boy whose eyes were plucked, May Allah SWT help us all in finding a cure to him and the other children who have encountered a similar ill fate, ameen.

From: nafabduljalil
Subject: May ALLAH accept your contribution as an act of ibadah and a way to Aljannah.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, I do hope you are in a very good condition of health. How is the family? I have been reading your column since when I was a teenager. My then suitor introduced me to your column as I was too young to understand what his words were when he came courting.
Your column has greatly shaped our marriage and helped me solve many of our marital discords and misunderstandings. May Allah SWT continue to grant your heart’s desires, ameen.
I once wrote you when I was in SS 3 @ F.F.G.C Bakori. You may not recall, perhaps. Later on I lost touch with the column. But am even happier now, gaining it back but in volumes, because I just can’t have enough of your carefully selected words and phrases…
We can’t thank you enough.
From your fan since 1999 till date

From: Asma’u Bg
Subject: Message from a fan

Assalamu alaikum Anty Bint. How are you and your family? Am a BIG FAN of your diary. I started reading your writes up when I was 15 from my father’s newspaper copy of the Weekly Trust. I used to think of it as fiction at the time. I read it for two years from 2012 to 2013. By the end of 2013 my dad started reading news online and he stopped buying newspapers. Since then I stopped seeing your column till the end of  2015 when my sister told me of your online page. On searching for it I got your Weekly Trust column where I found your diary articles from 2012 to 2015 August. Alhamdulillah, I no longer see your column as just a story, rather as an educative piece of writing. Allah Ya kara basira. Bissalam Asma’u Bg from Maiduguri.

From Hassan Imran
Subject: RE: All about hurricane Muri

Most of our problems today happen as a result of our negligence of history as a crucial course or subject. An adage says  ‘A river that does not know it’s origin will surely dry up. Most of today’s students don’t know the history of African heroes such as Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, General Murtala Ramat Muhammad, Dr.Nnamdi Azikwe to mention but a few. This is because History is not given any priority in our school curriculum. While hoping that history will be returned into our school curriculum, I wish to implore my fellow students to make visiting places like Museums, Archives and other historical monuments their hobby, so as to learn much about their history and origin. I also wish that government will erect monuments at historical places such as “Ilapa” where the remains of Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was found, as recently suggested by Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah. May the soul of General Murtala and other African heroes repose in perfect peace. Amen

From: Monsurat Modupe
Subject: Am Really Excited

Am a new reader of Daily Trust newspaper and my best column so far is your column – Al Bint’s diary which I really enjoy. May Allah reward you bountifully. Please how can I get past edition of it?

Jazakumullahu khairan
Monsurah Abdwarees-Solanke, Lagos Thanks very much Monsurat, I appreciate your kind words. You can get past editions of the diary in the online archives of Daily Trust on Saturday. Thanks, Al-Bint 

From: Siyanbola Saheed
Subject: Good work

Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu, I really enjoyed your write up, well done and keep it up. If you can send to my inbox, I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for your kind words Siyanbola but as a policy, we don’t send the column to individual inboxes. Please bear with us and look it up in the paper on-line. Thank you. Al-Bint

From: Dikko Abbas

Assalamu alaiki wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! I am an ardent reader of your diary. I saw that you are making efforts to compile your column.
Please how can I know when it’s ready? Where can I grab a copy? And when should we expect it? May Allah (SWT) grant you more wisdom and success. Thank you! Dikko Abbas Esq.
Thanks for your loyalty and appreciation of my humble efforts,
Barrister Dikko. As soon as the book is ready I will make a big announcement in this column in sha Allah. I hope to have the first volume ready before the end of this year in sha Allah. Thanks a lot, Al-Bint.