Frustrated at no job, disabled man kills self

A disabled boy of 23 years by name Awoke Onuabuchi has committed suicide following his inability to gain employment in Ebonyi state. He was said to have taken his own life through local rat poison popularly known as Otapiapia late Sunday last week when his neighbours had gone asleep. His lifeless body was discovered in […]

Frustrated at no job, disabled man kills self
Frustrated at no job, disabled man kills self

A disabled boy of 23 years by name Awoke Onuabuchi has committed suicide following his inability to gain employment in Ebonyi state.

He was said to have taken his own life through local rat poison popularly known as Otapiapia late Sunday last week when his neighbours had gone asleep.

His lifeless body was discovered in the early hours of the next day.

Daily Trust gathered that late  Onuabuchi lost his right hand in a working accident in 2016.

A secondary school graduate, he hailed from Agalegu community in Ikwo local government area of Ebonyi state.

The police spokesperson, ASP Loveth Odah, who confirmed the incident said that police visited the scene and the leftover of the poison Onuabuchi drank was recovered.

The PPRO said the remains of the deceased had been deposited at the General Hospital Moutuary, Ikwo, while further investigation was going.