Galaxy Backbone gets new certification from BSI

A statement from the agency said Galaxy received the certification after undergoing Information and Security Management Systems (ISMS) verification and recertification audit exercise in June. Galaxy received the initial certification to ISO/IEC 27001:2005 in 2011. That certification was valid for three years and expired on 5th July 2014 and thus the need for a fresh […]

Galaxy Backbone gets new certification from BSI
Galaxy Backbone gets new certification from BSI

A statement from the agency said Galaxy received the certification after undergoing Information and Security Management Systems (ISMS) verification and recertification audit exercise in June.
Galaxy received the initial certification to ISO/IEC 27001:2005 in 2011. That certification was valid for three years and expired on 5th July 2014 and thus the need for a fresh assessment for Galaxy to retain the certification, the agency said.
The outgoing Managing Director/Chief Executive, Galaxy Backbone, Gerald Ilukwe, said the agency will use the opportunity of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification to raise stakeholder awareness on information security issues such as cyber security, information security, disaster recovery and business continuity planning and its implications for supporting the role of ICT in governance and national development.