Gambia validates action against desertification project

Stakeholders from relevant institutions and organisations recently validated The Gambia component of the Great Green Wall for Sahara and Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI), and Action Desertification Project (ADP) draft documents at the conference hall of NaNA, Kanifing. The GGWSSI Gambia focal point, Lamin F. Jawara, who is the deputy permanent secretary, Ministry of the Environment, said […]

Gambia validates action against desertification project
Gambia validates action against desertification project

Stakeholders from relevant institutions and organisations recently validated The Gambia component of the Great Green Wall for Sahara and Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI), and Action Desertification Project (ADP) draft documents at the conference hall of NaNA, Kanifing.
The GGWSSI Gambia focal point, Lamin F. Jawara, who is the deputy permanent secretary, Ministry of the Environment, said the general objective of the GGWSSI was to improve resilience to climate change for increased food security in the sub-Sahara.
This would be achieved through actions and measures that promote and provide support to proven or innovative approaches to integrated land management and water control.
Mr Jawara said the GGWSSI offers “a unique opportunity” to effect “significant changes” in scaling up governments’ investments to promote food security and combat poverty by strengthening good practices in agriculture, rural infrastructure and implementation of social protection initiatives in favour of households vulnerable to climate risks.
Based on a learning-by-doing approach, the GGWSSI aims at increasingly applying lessons from best practices on climate resilience to development policies and practices and building its approach on on-going programmes.