Ganduje employs 2458 health workers for Kano

Kano state government has employed 2458 healthcare workers to man health facilities and vacant positions in the state’s health sector. Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje said on Tuesday during the distribution of letters of appointment to the beneficiaries at the government house that the newly employed health workers will serve in various capacities in various health […]

Ganduje employs 2458 health workers for Kano

Kano state government has employed 2458 healthcare workers to man health facilities and vacant positions in the state’s health sector.

Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje said on Tuesday during the distribution of letters of appointment to the beneficiaries at the government house that the newly employed health workers will serve in various capacities in various health facilities across the 44 local government areas of the state.

‘’2458 healthcare workers employed by Kano state government will work in our hospitals, some in medical board, some will work in primary healthcare management board, some as medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists as well as physiotherapists and some will work as specialists in our laboratories’’ the governor said.  

He described their appointments as timely, saying it came at the time the state government is trying to improve its healthcare delivery to its populace.

‘’we assure you that your employment has come at a right time when we are laying emphasis on improving our health facilities in Kano state. I urge you to work diligently so that our hospitals will operate to the optimum such that all other services we provide especially in the rural areas will find that beneficiaries get optimum of what government has provided them for’’.

The state’s commissioner for health Dr. Kabiru Ibrahim Getso congratulated the beneficiaries urging them to be dedicated, hard working and compassionate to their patients and to put the fear of God in all their dealings throughout their years service.