Gender is never a limitation – Teni Majekodunmi

Mrs Teni Majekodunmi is a lawyer and an entrepreneur

Gender is never a limitation – Teni Majekodunmi

Mrs Teni Majekodunmi is a lawyer and an entrepreneur

Mrs Teni Majekodunmi is a lawyer and an entrepreneur.

She is the founder of Eclectic Chique, an African-inspired accessories brand that trains and supports female and male artisans in Nigeria to produce high-quality exportable products.

She was born on July 28, and is happily married with three children.

Education and career background

I have a bachelors and a masters in law from the University of Warwick (UK).

I practice law in the areas of international trade, climate change, carbon credits and climate finance.

I am also an entrepreneur; I run Eclectic Chique, an African-inspired artisanal accessories brand that focuses on raising the bar of African products internationally.

Eclectic has a flagship store in Lagos, Nigeria, and an online store with a warehouse in the UK.

I am an International Trade Lawyer and a National Expert to the International Trade Centre (ITC) of the United Nations (UN) on SheTrades.

I have written several articles on legal issues relating to international trade negotiations, climate change, carbon credits and climate finance.

I am a US State Department alumnus via my participation in the President Obama Young African Leaders Initiative 2012, I attended the Cherie Blair Institute for Women and I am a World Bank Scholar.

I mentor youths and potential leaders and have delivered several papers at various conferences and have a weekly column in two national newspapers in Nigeria.

I serve as a trustee of two non-profit organisations and as a director in three companies.

I have been able to contribute my quota to the development of society; empowering women, improving skills and staying sustainable.

Passion behind my business

The business was birthed out of my love for craftsmanship. I started while practicing law. As a hobby and recreation, I would knit and sell fashion accessories.

I suffered a personal loss and decided it was time to do this full time.

 Childhood memories

The times I spent with my grandmother; I miss her lovely Scotch eggs.


The only way out of any challenge for me has been trying to soar even in the midst of challenges. I try not to think too far ahead. I just look at the bigger picture and focus on the positives.

I encourage anyone going through any challenge to look at the bigger picture and focus more on the positive side and keep soaring.

 A typical day for me

Coffee; the daily word on my phone, and I then reflect on my to-do list before the children wake up. I then go on with what I have for the day.

 My most cherished gift

My three kids.

 Fashion accessories I always have on

Eclectic Chique handbag, scarf, necklace and Fitbit watch.

 Best travel destination

Anahita, Mauritius.

My best form of relaxation

I love buying new shower gels and watching fluff in my jammies, and I’m really indulgent to biscuits and peppermint tea, or an evening with friends or on a sofa.

Other times, it’s going for an exercise class and brisk walking five kilometres in less than an hour.

 Last good book I read

Purpose: The Extraordinary Benefits of Focusing on What Matters Most by Ben Renshaw

My best food

Amala and ewedu with fresh fish.

 My definition of style

Style is personal and versatile. I love being simple and classy.

My favourite perfume, designer bag and shoes

Gucci Bamboo, Saint Laurent and Bottega Veneta respectively.

 Mum’s advice that has stuck with me

“No matter how tired you are, find the energy to cater to your child’s need at any time,” and “Always find time to stop and thank the people who have made impact in your life; no matter how little.”

 Advice for women who aspire to succeed

Family is key and very important. Be there for each other; which cuts across relationships with other people, especially those that work with you.

Be disciplined and have good work ethics. So to every woman out there, hold on to these values.

Also, manage your time wisely, gender is never a limitation, keep working and surviving.

 My advice for young entrepreneurs

You must know something about everything; you must have a working knowledge of every area of your business.

Be willing to start small and grow, make the mistake on a small level and go on to perfect your act and then grow with it.

 My favourite day of the week

Monday; it sets the tone for the week and I go for an exercise class that keeps me going.

Once I get my Monday right, I get the whole week right.

 My beauty routine

I do home facials myself every week and I love red lipstick.

How I keep fit

I eat healthily and exercise daily.

My role model(s)

My mum, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and trailblazing women.

What I would tell a younger me

Growing up I used to stress and worry a lot, so I would tell my younger self, “Do not stress, just keep doing what you are doing, and be more punctual.”