General IBB – if you must be President, Sir

This story, General, is about you, Nigeria, the USA and the black race in general.  A chap named Cozie Chimason, posted a revealing article on some days ago.  He claimed he knows what you don’t want us to know.  The article titled IBB-WHAT WE MAY NOT KNOW, can be found on   http

General IBB – if you must be President, Sir
General IBB – if you must be President, Sir

This story, General, is about you, Nigeria, the USA and the black race in general.  A chap named Cozie Chimason, posted a revealing article on some days ago.  He claimed he knows what you don’t want us to know.  The article titled IBB-WHAT WE MAY NOT KNOW, can be found on   http

Chimason claimed that the problems we had with drug trafficking in your first coming, was a subset of a bigger phenomenon known as the Iran-Contra affair.  General Buhari had been executing drug traffickers to the chagrin of western governments.  The local newspapers also painted him red.  I remember Batholomew Owoh and his friend executed by Buhari.  The Iran-Contra scandal broke out in the USA under Reagan.  Undercover agents of the USA and its military had been financing rebels in Nicaragua, known as Contras.  These Contras were being used to remove the popular Sandinista government in Nicaragua.  Manuel Noriega of Panama, later disgraced by the USA, was actively recruited by the main character in this subterfuge, Colonel Oliver North of the U.S Marine. North masterminded the undercover sales of arms to Iran – then a supposed enemy of the USA, to raise money to fund the rebels in Nicaragua, and to secure the release of some hostages.

The other side of Oliver North’s deal, was to use the US Military to obtain drugs from South America and traffic them through Africa to the USA, (since there was no searchlight on African flights)  – where invariably, they end up being sold to the black populace, leaving them eternally damaged till date.  Chimason claims that this story is what Dele Giwa discovered and had to be killed, ostensibly by the CIA.  This theory perhaps, happily absolves you somehow from the killing and perhaps, explains what you’ve been unable to tell us since.  I have researched Chimason’s claims and I believe them, especially in the light of Professor Ferguson’s explanation of how Empires are built and sustained.  

Wikipedia confirms that Colonel Oliver North made payments to Noriega and to the drug people from a certain fund called ‘Project Democracy’.  Democracy!  This is a sardonic testimony to my suspicions that democracy is being used as a ruse to capture African governments and people.  Oliver North and many of Reagan’s top people have now been banned from some Latin American countries for alleged drug running.  Consider for one second, that commissioned U.S military men will be dealing in drugs deliberately.  And these are the same people who look down on Nigerians.

I believe, General, that you may become the president if you seriously want to, and if the USA supports you with its might.  The visit of CIA man, Johnnie Carson, a black man, to your homestead in Minna, tells a story.  Your claim in your BBC interview that you are close to that man and that he visited you and your late lovely missus, Maryam, in the USA while she was ill, seals my suspicion. Carson has been micro-managing Nigeria lately, chastising our own president for returning to his country, asking for Iwu’s removal and so on.  Why is he so concerned? Well, Johnnie Carson was in the Peace Corp, which is a recruiting ground for CIA personnel, as told by John Perkins in Confessions of an Economic Hitman.  Perkins’ first posting after being grounded in the Peace Corps, was to Nigeria (1969-1971).  We were in a civil war then.  What were his roles and what did he learn, as they watched Nigeria descend into an orgy of self-annihilation?  Carson later became U.S Ambassador to Zimbabwe and Uganda.  Under Carson’s watch, Africa has wallowed in civil wars and served the interest of the USA.  

I am not one to fool myself that Nigeria’s fate is entirely in the hands of Nigerians.  Even the USA had to free itself from Britain by sheer force, disobedience and terrorism. Nigeria is highly strategic to global politics.  Nigeria does not only reflect the African continent but the black race at large. The USA intelligentsia does not want black people everywhere to become uncontrollable because Nigeria opened their eyes to huge injustices which are kept off CNN and FOXNEWS. It is noteworthy that Nigeria, a few months ago, was on the verge of signing off its oil and gas resources to China and Russia; a move that would have redefined the existing imperialism in favour of China.  Just as Umar Yar’adua was about to push these deals, he fell irretrievably ill.  Hmmmm.

Well General, I especially understand and appreciate why it has to be like this.  I’ve imbibed Winston Churchill’s admonition that ‘The farther back you look, the further forward you will be able to see’. I understand the permutations of world politics.  But what worries me more than the past, are the injustices still being wrought on Africans which will likely continue into the future.  I suspect that it is the fixation of we youths of today, with mundane issues, local intrigues, and matters of the belly, in spite of daunting problems, that made you write us off recently.  The visionlessness of my generation is indeed frightening.  But that doesn’t exonerate you from blame sir.

So I urge you, General, to remember that whatever has been sold to you by the Americans has not augured well in any way for your people, for your race.  All we want as a people is some decent living.  Black people are good, kind and trusting people.   We lived together for centuries, in peace, but now mutual understanding seems to have broken down among every tribe and tongue in Nigeria.  I hope they know that things have got to a head and it is time to allow Nigeria make some progress and it will be better for them to do this under a friend – you.  But remember what they did to Mobutu, another smart, charismatic, handsome military man like you.  And how he died a broken and lonely man.  Can you pull this off – navigate the trickiness of imperialism and better your people’s lot?