Get resourceful with your resources

As a man or woman, young or old, do you task your brain to think outside the box and look around you for other ways through which you could enrich yourself wealth, knowledge and creativity amongst others? Or are you tunnel envisioned and like to stick with the basics rather than expand those basics? Are […]

Get resourceful with your resources
Get resourceful with your resources

As a man or woman, young or old, do you task your brain to think outside the box and look around you for other ways through which you could enrich yourself wealth, knowledge and creativity amongst others?

Or are you tunnel envisioned and like to stick with the basics rather than expand those basics? Are you capable and clever, with a strong ability to use all the materials at hand to overcome obstacle? Or are you always scrambling to find someone else to do it for you? Your resourceful level can give you insight into your ability to get things done efficiently and easily.

There are people who are naturally very resourceful and clever. But resourcefulness has to do with your ability to understand your blessings and using these God given gifts to the maximum.

One of the many facts about is that it doesn’t always hand us solutions to go with the problems and situations we encounter. If you’re in a fix, sometimes you have to use what you have, along with a bit of creativity and ingenuity, to get through it. There is no perfect guide as to how to tackle difficulties that may face one, but there are a few general suggestions that apply to every situation.

As a housewife are you lazy and entirely dependent on what your husband provides or what your monthly salary brings in? Do you make an effort to learn new and cheaper ways to run your home like growing a small vegetable farm behind your house or learning to sew and teaching your kids to do the same?

In growing your own vegetable farm, your children take part in nurturing the crops and you are ready to use fresh greens whenever the need arises. You even have more to gain now in the rainy season as leaves are luscious and in full bloom. You could sell off the excess from your farms and make some little cash.

We can’t count how many renowned fashion designers picked up sewing from watching mummy do it. Your child could turn out to be one such designer.

Even using left over food to create a nutritious meal is quite a resourceful routine in homes. In fact, many recipes were created for the purpose of using left-over food.

Sadly, many of us consider our lives so full that we do not have time to be creative. We decide what resources we need and head for the nearest supermarket to meet our needs. If we take time to examine our blessings, we’ll realize how fortunate we are and already well-equipped to be creative.

You should always be prepared as you cannot anticipate everything. It is possible to anticipate many things, and the more prepare ahead of time you are, the more resources you’ll have to draw upon when faced with a problem.

Take stock of what resources you have available to you and see how best you can use them to your benefit.

Being resourceful is essential about smarter/wiser and creative use of resources available to you. Not all resources are objects; some are in ideas, people, time and such. Use the most accessible ones to you. Ask if someone has been in similar situation and try to know much theirs relate to yours and if you could apply the same principle.

One thing that worries many of us is, we usually limit ourselves and our thinking. Trial and error might take awhile, but if you have no experience with a particular situation, it’s a very good way to begin. At the very least, you will learn what does not work or other new things.

Even crisis, you could use the situation to your advantage if you open your mind and eyes to see them. Don’t cloud your thoughts with the challenge before you; see what other sides there are to it and how best they can serve you. In doing this you are likely to come across ways you can improvise.

Improvising is an attribute to being resourceful. Don’t box yourself into thinking that only a permanent solution will do. Use what you have at hand for a temporary solution. You may also find useful other ideas you had once considered obsolete.

Exploit opportunities when they present themselves, don’t over think them and loose them in the process. This also brings to mind the notion of one acting fast. Once you make a decision don’t analyze it, just act upon it. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Try a different way to do it next time. Remember the saying: I have not failed, I have just found 10, 000 ways that won’t work.

An anonymous writer made this remark about being persistent. If you go away before the problem does, then you haven’t solved anything. Try again, a dozen or a hundred different ways, if that’s what it takes. Don’t give up. Never consider not succeeding immediately as a failure – consider it practice.

These may not be the perfect guide or steps to being resourceful and riding yourself of mental laziness, but they sure will help you to reasonable extent.