Girl dies in inferno

A fire in Katsina has killed a 17-year-old girl Aisha Jigama and injured two others. The girl is the daughter of Katsina’s director of protocol. She is believed to have died from suffocation in the inferno that’s being attributed to a power surge. Witnesses say the fire at 7pm and burned for an hour, before […]

Girl dies in inferno

A fire in Katsina has killed a 17-year-old girl Aisha Jigama and injured two others.

The girl is the daughter of Katsina’s director of protocol.

She is believed to have died from suffocation in the inferno that’s being attributed to a power surge.

Witnesses say the fire at 7pm and burned for an hour, before fire servicemen got it under control.

The two others injured in the fire have been treated and discharged from hospital.


Already the state governor Aminu Masari has visited the late girl’s father, Jigama for condolence.