Give a helping hand

Turning our backs on our bodies means we are turning our backs on our mind and thereby may find it difficult to give a helping hand to others who may need us as a source of ‘life’ to live on.  After all, the mind is part of our body and denying ourselves reduces the chance […]

Give a helping hand
Give a helping hand

Turning our backs on our bodies means we are turning our backs on our mind and thereby may find it difficult to give a helping hand to others who may need us as a source of ‘life’ to live on.  After all, the mind is part of our body and denying ourselves reduces the chance at happiness and motivation to help others. There are opportunities to serve people around us, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tears of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted. Kindness begins at home; your efforts to bless others will lift family members, neighbours and individuals in the community.

Giving a helping hand to others brings good feelings to the giver and the receiver of the good deeds as well. Using your special gifts to help others can also be a gift to yourself as you enjoy a self-esteem boost for making others’ lives better, and making the world a better place. You feel more worthy of good deeds yourself, your trust in the decency of people is reinforced and you feel more connected to yourself and to others. It is generally believed that those who demonstrate more altruistic social interest tend to enjoy higher levels of mental health above and beyond the practical benefits of receiving help.

Giving a helping hand will be amazing in this period, especially a time like this when there are crises in the country and when the poor are getting poorer everyday. This is happening because there is a lack of jobs. So, because of this, more and more people are going to have to find a way to feed themselves or get assistance where or when they never thought it possible. Therefore, a helping hand should be given to those who need to eat. If you define yourself by what you own, you have left a hole, a void.

Compassion, kindness and bonding are among the most necessary aspects of a happy life. You can’t do much to reduce the causes of external worry; bad people and bad things will always be with us. But you can take care of your own tendencies to be afraid, worried and anxious. There is a place of safety inside and if you can find it, you will find the kind of happiness that you will also give to others.

Creating a balanced lifestyle that includes service to others can help you to feel less stress as well, as you feel more connected to your spirit, more grateful for what you have and less invested in the bad things that cause stress. When you give a helping hand to others, something profound happens to you. Your attention will shift. You will move from self-giving to giving a helping hand to others. Giving a helping hand is much greater and you will find yourself making decisions based on what is needed as a whole rather than needs based on fulfilling your own personal objectives.

When you begin to realise that you are giving a helping hand, some of your personal challenges will seem smaller, because you will notice that everyone has needs, wants and desires. Many times in life, we focus way too much on ourselves and not on the needs of others. If you do this too much, you will become isolated and let no one into your life. You will need to find ways to balance the needs of others with the needs of the self. In the end, you will notice that one of the greatest gifts we do have to give to others is to give our lives away knowing we have helped another person’s day a little bit better. In doing this, you’ll also meet your own need to fulfil your reason for living or purpose in life.

Because giving a helping hand to others sets a positive and powerful tone for the day. Giving a helping hand to others induces high levels of fulfilment and happiness that radiate an attractiveness that others are drawn to, because giving a helping hand to others is a jumpstart cable to a healthy habit. Once you start helping, you can’t stop smiling.  Giving a helping hand to others has a profound rippling effect. You never know, as your single act of kindness could change lives in more ways than you possibly fathomed.