Great Green Wall project will revive northern economy — Lugga

Lugga who also used to be the Chairman of the Commissioners of Environment Forum in the 11 front line states said the programme would also help in resettling the people displaced by desert encroachment as communities are being encouraged to plant economic trees that would be a real money spinning venture to them. He further […]

Great Green Wall project will revive northern economy — Lugga
Great Green Wall project will revive northern economy — Lugga

Lugga who also used to be the Chairman of the Commissioners of Environment Forum in the 11 front line states said the programme would also help in resettling the people displaced by desert encroachment as communities are being encouraged to plant economic trees that would be a real money spinning venture to them.
He further explained that lands lost as a result of environmental degredation would eventually be reclaimed and grazing lands resurfaced or created adding that the whole eco-system of Northern Nigeria would be changed.
“It is a great project and will help people in no small measure. There is short,medium and long term project  in the idea and with this we are going to see that people are back to their natural habitat. The communities have started picking interest in the project because they are now developing their own nursery,” he added.
He said that in the course of establishing commercial orchards, the communities are being assisted through the provision of seedlings and fencing of the lands and in many more ways and the communities are the ones responsible for the nurturing of the trees, adding that jobs are being provided through the recruitment of forest guards.
“All the affected states, Zamfara state in particular are very committed to seeing the success of the project because we made sure that 19 northern states had allocated a portion of their budgets to the programme. We are doing a lot of awareness campaign in our communities and they have started developing keen interest in the whole idea because they are involved,” he said.