Group condemns NAMA’s move to dismantle telecom masts

NAMA has given a four week ultimatum to owners of telecommunications masts at several locations across Nigeria to dismantle them or face sanctions.Citing the inherent danger posed by such structures to air navigation in Nigeria, the aviation agency said it would engage the services of a company named Seas Electrical and Computer Services Limited to […]

Group condemns NAMA’s move to dismantle telecom masts
Group condemns NAMA’s move to dismantle telecom masts

NAMA has given a four week ultimatum to owners of telecommunications masts at several locations across Nigeria to dismantle them or face sanctions.
Citing the inherent danger posed by such structures to air navigation in Nigeria, the aviation agency said it would engage the services of a company named Seas Electrical and Computer Services Limited to effect the dismantling of affected masts at the expiration of the ultimatum.
Furthermore, NAMA has mandated the company to not only identify and report, but also to reduce the height or dismantle the masts as applicable citing NAMA Act Section 7(1) c and d of its Establishment Act No.48 of 1999.
But condemning the move at the weekend, NATCOMS’ president Deolu Ogunbanjo said it would worsen the network problem currently being experienced in the country.
Ogunbanjo said telecoms operators were given the go ahead to erect the masts in the first place and the latest move by NAMA is strange.
 “In erecting masts around our airports, telecoms operators are given approvals by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). If the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) now suddenly wakes up to discharge their responsibility of enhancing air safety in Nigeria, it should do so with decorum, due diligence, due process and wide consultation.
“NAMA, as a Federal Government Agency should consult with the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the Telecoms Operators in order to harmonize their various interests and positions rather than the current ‘terror’ approach being undertaken.
“Currently the Telecoms industry is suffering and witnessing several mast closures, vandalisation by insurgents, declaration of state of emergency in some states and threats of closures by some Federal and State Government Agencies leading to very serious threats to good quality service”, he said.