Group conducts Hazard Awareness Training on management of Land Mines

  On Friday, June 9, the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) conducted a hazard awareness training workshop for staff of the PCNI and the Borno State Ministry of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation at the PCNI office in Maiduguri. MAG specializes in addressing the impact and threat of unexploded ordnances in post-conflict areas across the world, clearing […]

Group conducts Hazard Awareness Training on management of Land Mines
Group conducts Hazard Awareness Training on management of Land Mines


On Friday, June 9, the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) conducted a hazard awareness training workshop for staff of the PCNI and the Borno State Ministry of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation at the PCNI office in Maiduguri. MAG specializes in addressing the impact and threat of unexploded ordnances in post-conflict areas across the world, clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance, teaching IED risk education and safety measures, arms management and destruction and emergency response.  The training workshop is part of MAG’s engagement in the Northeast where it will also conduct train-the-trainer programmes in communities earmarked for IDP resettlement. It will identify high risk areas in such communities where the threat of unexploded ordnance remains acute and designate safe spaces. It will also teach community members measures for managing the risks posed by unexploded IEDs until they can be safely detonated.