Groups set agenda for new service chiefs

Different are drawing up agenda for the new service chiefs

Groups set agenda for new service chiefs

Major-General Leo Irabor, Chief of Defence Staff; Rear Admiral A.Z Gambo, Chief of Naval Staff;Air-Vice Marshal I.O Amao, Chief of Air Staff; and Major-General I. Attahiru, Chief of Army Staff;

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has urged the newly appointed Service Chiefs to eschew politics and prioritise professionalism to be able to tackle the rising insecurity in the country.

The Executive Director CISLAC, Auwal Musa Rafsanjani, said on Tuesday in a statement that as cross-border bandits are killing in their dozens, food insecurity looms because farmers are either being killed or those displaced are afraid of returning to continue with farming apart from the rampant armed robbery.

This is as he also urged the new security chiefs to as a matter of urgency investigate the resignation of over 127 soldiers in recent weeks as well as non-payment of pension to veterans.

He said that by so doing, a standard template for transparency and accountability will be institutionalized.

“This should be a point of entry for the new chiefs. Good enough, their credentials suggest that they are well experienced in tactical and strategy which is the immediate fresh breath that is required to engage going forward,” Rafsanjani said.

He, however commended President Muhammadu Buhari for sacking the service chiefs and appointing their replacements.

“The new service chiefs should be professional and not politicians in uniform. The situation where on every issue the army issue statement to condemn human rights groups and media for calling on the security agencies to respect human rights should not continue under this dispensation,” he said.

He said Nigeria needs to take care of the welfare of her troops not only should they be paid all their entitlements while out there defending their fatherland, they should also be well equipped to be able to repel the forces of terror.

According to him, issues that should lead to soldiers protesting or scampering away from battlefield should be avoided and that if soldiers have overstayed their appointed time, they should be replaced with fresh blood to avoid fatigue setting in.

He said, “The rivalry between the different security organizations must stop. This dispensation must strike the rhythm for effective coordination, collaboration and synergy as diamond formation to victory.

“But, above all, to win the war against Boko Haram, the government has to win the war of the mind. Most of the people conscripted by the terrorists are brainwashed to believe they are fighting for God and would go straight to heaven if they die in the process. This is the most difficult aspect of the war to fight,” Rafsanjani said.T

What Taraba wants of new service chiefs

A cross-section of people in Taraba state have advised the new service chiefs appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari not to compromise their duty and work very hard to address the insecurity in the country.

Yayaha Mafindi a resident of Jalingo, Taraba state capital said much is expected from the new service chiefs in the face of insecurity facing the country.

He said they should not compromise their duty and they should bring their military expertise to bear in the fight against criminals elements that are making life very difficult in the country.

Alhaji Muntari Ajuji however said Nigerians should pray for the newly appointed service chiefs to succeed in their assignment.

“Only Allah can see us through the difficult time we are passing through in this country and therefore whatever we do we should seek the support of Allah for us as a nation to succeed,” he said.

Mallam Ali  Danladi was of the opinion that commitment and sincerity on the part of the new service chiefs as well as God guidance is the only way that would enable the new service chiefs to succeed.

” We want to see a change in the way and manner the insecurity is an approach, the new service chiefs should work hard to  address insecurity in the country,” he said

David Bulus also stated that the new service chiefs should bring new tactics and approach  to bear in the fight  against criminals elements in the country.

He called on Nigerians to always be on alert and monitor suspicious persons and give security agents information of activities of criminal in their localities in order to tackle them.